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Well actually Terrence but I'm sure you all expected that.


After the Books According to JK Rowling - A Harry Potter Guide by The Dom

Terrence provides a summery of the lives of some of the Harry Potter book cast after year 7.



I don't know if it's my new laptop or your equipment, but the video looked so 3D I kept expecting Terrance to appear in my room.

Chris Hewson

Luna stops believing in Nargles?! Wow, that's depressing!


Why yes we would like to here about it from you instead of reading it cause you are jest so dame entertaining and essay on the eyes ;P. The Dom you rally shouldn't have trusted Twitter with that one.


Well, somehow when you said "a certain someone" I thought of JKR writing updates and just forgot about Terrence. So, welcome back I guess. Stupid cursed child.


Are the Cursed Child, official piece of fanfiction that everyone wants to forget desperately. Including me. Oh Rowling, what were you thinking when you wrote that? Me personally I’d use the Time Turner and erase THAT from all time and space. OK sorry rant over. It was good to see you Terrence and I hope to see more of you in the upcoming future.

E. P. Haury

Lucius Malfoy's punishment was to be sent to fight deformed Klingons.


I swear, Terrence's in-and-yet-out-of-universe nature is doing my head in trying to make it fit but he's enough of a lovable berk that I really don't care. Also...what about Viktor Krum (since we do get to know about Fleur)? Am I just failing to remember a snippet or do we not know?

Robin Isomaa

The last thing I remember about him is him getting pissed of at Mr. Lovegood's hallows necklace at Bill and Fleur's wedding.

Robin Isomaa

Well, everyone has two kids, except Harry and Ginny (3) and Voldemort and Bellatrix (1)...


I didn't think Lavender was a confirmed death, I thought her ending was deliberately ambiguous and that all that was confirmed was that she was attacked by greyback.....


Charlie Weasely was also confirmed to be asexual by Rowling on Twitter!


Loved the part about Harry's interview. You stop a dark wizard before you're even a legal adult, you pretty much don't need any NEWTS.


What's wrong being a Hufflepuff?


I don't know why the Dom dislikes them. I enjoy boring characters that are average at everything and have no special talents. But apparently he doesn't like those kind of people (basically Hufflepuffs are boring High Schoolers that aren't expected to achieve anything. In other words magical 90's Students.) :)


(slight spoiler alert, I guess) You got that mixed up. That was mirror universe Lucius Malfoy.