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While I cannot guarantee everything submitted by Patrons will be included if you mention you are one in the email you will get considered first.


The Dom Reviews.... You?

Send submissions to: lostinadaptationrequests@gmail.com Reminder of the ground rules: Must be your own work Use EMAIL to send links Give written permission to use work No files, only links Be prepared for constructive criticism



Way to be a man of the people The Dom. Happy December the 25th to you!


Happy Christmas!


Glad it's not just YouTube videos since I wouldn't dream of submitting mine for review - to be made fun of (in a lighthearted "The Dom Reacts" way, sure, but not reviews.) But short stories, photos - and man, I'd love to submit my cosplay. I know I just asked that on Facebook and noticed on YouTube a user named Harlen Toov asked the same thing.


Ive been working on a very short story for a while now, I think I will hurry my ass up and finish it now. Would love some feedback on how crap I am


This is a brilliant idea! Good on you for doing this, The Dom. A very Merry Christmas to you and yours. :)


Would something on Google docs be acceptable?


I don't really have anything yet, so I'll have to pass. If you ever do this again I'll be sure to submit. Other than that, looking forward to this one.

Amy Poli

How is this one going? Is it still going to happen?