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Ok so heres the craic. You may have seen people bitching about this on twitter today in between the fire and politics.
Patreon, in its infinite wisdom, has decided that instead of deducting handling/processing frees from creators (which we were fine with) they're going to start charging Patrons extra for it instead. They're trying to sell to us on "you'll get more money this way" grounds but we're well aware that a lot of people are already giving as much as they can and throwing a mandatory 3% on top of that will result in a lot of people having to cancel their pledge altogether.
We're currently doing our best to talk Patreon out of this folly. If we don't succeed I'm going to consider other options like lowering each pledge tier by a few bucks to bring things back to the way they were before.
So just... Bear with us for a bit I guess :S



I blame global warming.


Thanks for your dedication to the cause and your transparency. Three percent won't change my behavior. However, certainly the fact they think it's a good idea to show how the sausage is made, so to speak, to the external uses who you are soliciting for funds, is shockingly tone deaf. At a logical level, Patreon isn't providing a service to me as the donor, they are providing a service to the content provider as a central location to manage donations. So it only seems logical that it is the content providers that would negotiate the fee and account management behind the scenes for this service provided to them.


I do love it when people update services with unwanted additions.


Love you Dom and I agree just keep up the good work and hope your doing well in your new abode.

Kim Huett

Thank for the heads up Dom. Things are too tight as it is and I can't afford the possibility of the extra cost, which would be even more for me due to the exchange rate, so have already cut everything to the bare minimum.


The problem is that it's not just 3%. It's 2.9% PLUS 35 cents. On ALL your pledges. All those $1/mo and $2/mo pledges that some people (like me!!) do will be getting a ~25-38% increase in cost, and you get NOTHING for it. And the real kicker is that this is almost all just to get more profit for Patreon. They charge us the $0.35 on each transaction, but they don't PAY that $0.35 the CC companies for each txn. They lump all your txns together as one, and the CC company charges them once for all of them. This change is all about Patreon being greedy. They're just couching it in terms of "the creators get more money!" to hide the blatant cash grab at the expense of the patrons.


dear god I hope this doesnt happen. I will have to cut down on what i can give if that happens.


I'm a broke (British, so also have vat) student and had to reduce my number of pledges earlier in the month anyway. I love supporting my creators, but this decision someone in a stuffy office has made to make extra money for Patreon is just terrible all round for the people who actually use the site, both creators and supporters. Thanks for posting about it, Dom, gives me a chance to look out for it happening and alter around my pledges if I need to.


Next think you will be telling us is EA 'cares' about gamers.


I...what..this is not good news. I live in another country so I'm already getting smacked with the exchange. Thanks for the heads up, Dom. I really hope they don't do this.


Aw man, thanks for the heads up. I hope that doesn't happen but don't worry I'll still support your show...just with less money. Hey you give out good content and I'd say it's worth the money.


IT's actually frustrating as hell. Dan Olson of Folding ideas on twitter is talking about how that's clearly a cash grab. <a href="https://twitter.com/FoldableHuman/status/938542779138850817" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://twitter.com/FoldableHuman/status/938542779138850817</a>


Come for the use of "craic" in a post, stay for the wonderful videos! :)


I can't pay anymore

Courtney Rayle

I like your way of thinking and getting around this by redoing the math. I'm the sort of nerd who likes doing the algebra, so here it is if you decide to use it. Going by the email that said there would be a 2.9% service fee, and a $0.35 flat charge (in that order), I believe the new tiers would then be: $1.60 (formally $2), $4.51 (formally $5), $9.37 (formally $10), and $23.95 (formally $25). I rounded down, so it may actually come a little less than formal pledges by a few cents, but still. If the order is reversed (flat fee added first, then a service charge), I can redo this for you based on that.


O Jee**, as if it the fees weren't high enough. So for every $5 I want to a patron to actually get for a video I will pay $7.18 (incl. German VAT and currency exchange fee) That makes me :( As a quick reaction to this I will change all my pledges to $10/video limited to 1 vid/month. F**k those additional $0.35 per post!


Thank you so much for caring, The Dom. I know this is your livelihood.