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The Secret Circle of Imaginary Friends - The Dom Reviews



Wait - Mike wrote a sequel? HOW COME I DIDN'T KNOW THIS?! That being said, I agree with most of the review. Especially about the lead being too nice. I'm the youngest of four and the only girl. My brothers would never have protected me. Hell, one actually gave my name and address to a guy in JAIL.


You are not allowed to say”y’all.” Not ever. I love you darling. But no.

Kim Huett

I can put my hand on my heart and tell you that the only reason the twelve year old me might stop my younger brother from wandering off into the woods would be if I thought I might somehow be blamed for his disappearance.


You are a much better juggler than I am, The Dom!


He is now! On behalf of all of Texas, I'm awarding The Dom special dispensation to adopt our most popular colloquialism.


Thanks, my dad taught me when I was 8. I forget why he knew how to, wouldn't have thought a scientist would need to XD


I... I want more book reviews as a regular thing.