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Sorry its a little shorter than usual. Combination of lack of source material and lack of time. Settled now so hopefully back to normal soon.


Children of the Corn, Lost in Adaptation ~ The Dom



Short stories are ....well short, and don't led to very faithful film adaptations.

Linsey Travers

This seriously made my night

Chris Hewson

Haha, that John Franklin comment! Funnily enough, I was just in the middle of opening up Google to confirm his age, opening up this page in another window to check the comments anew, and letting the rest of the vid play out juuust in case. ;)



Jazz ‘95

IT would take forever for you to make, especially since there are now 2 adaptations of the book, and a sequel to the latest adaptation coming out in 2019.

Kim Huett

I find that one of the biggest problems with adaptations of Stephen King stories is that King never puts enough effort into making his threats convincing in the first place. This is extremely frustrating as King has frequently come up with interesting ideas for threats but then leaves these idea hamstrung by plot holes and lack of explanation. In his Children of the Corn short story for example I found the idea that a town could drop off the map for years without this having some sort of effect elsewhere entirely unconvincing. This struck me as doubly a mistake because King didn't do anything in the story which made the time gap necessary. The story as it is would work just as well if it had only been three weeks since the adults had all been murdered. Indeed, three weeks could be used to better effect by having the couple arrive just as it was hitting home among the children that keeping their murderous secret was going to be far harder than they had been lead to believe. That would be a much more interesting explosive situation to drop a couple of outsiders into.


Umm the guy playing Isaac wasn't a kid. He was about 25


*waits a minute* Oh god dammit you sly bastard


The sad reality is that I started seeing Christmas trees for sale last week...and it's just Halloween today. Halloween can no longer hold back the floodgates of the Christmas season disease.