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Any suggestions for a good Halloween adaptation? Preferably something with a short book I'm moving in two weeks lol.



Oh. Nvm.


I’m not sure of this qualifies but how about the 90s Frankenstein film with Kenneth Branagh?


Your British Hellraiser should give you a good time.


<a href="https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Thing_(1982_film)" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Thing_(1982_film)</a>


From what I could see The Woman In Black is quite short, less than 150 pages. So maybe that could work?


The Halloween Tree by Ray Bradbury it has an animated movie adaptation.


Not sure how long these books are, but Cape Fear, based on The Executioners.

Jazz ‘95

Hellbound Heart sounds like the perfect choice.


I Know What You Did Last Summer is YA, so should be a quick read.


Dr. Jekyll &amp; Mr. Hyde


Someone above said The Woman in Black book. That is a short book (i remember studying it for english GCSE when looking at the gothic genre) with a bbc adaptation and a hollywood film adaptation


The Hounds of Baskerville.


Something Goosebumps related? Compare the book to one of its 90s TV adaptations?


First thought - Picture of Dorian Gray? 1984? Gee, my brain is on a cheer-kick, huh?


Halloween Tree by Ray Bradbury

Kim Huett

Would you consider Something Wicked This Way Comes even though Doug Walker has reviewed the film?


Or an Edgar Allen Poe adaptation, his stories are very short


The Woman in Black? Know it was adapted into a stage show first, but the book is a short, easy read, and the film makes enough liberties to make the LiA episode worthwhile.


Other people reviewing stuff first has never stopped me before ^^


Goosebumps. 🙃


A sound of thunder, I hear it had a movie adaption a few years ago. Never saw it but I’ve heard bad things about it.


I know you don't like gore but - Hellraiser/The Hellbound Heart. The book is a novella, so it's short. And the movie follows things pretty closely but there are changes. Larry's name is actually Rory, Kristy is not Larry's (Rory in the novella) daughter but rather a friend who's in love with him, Julia uses a different murder weapon, there's no creepy homeless man/dragon, and Pinhead is not the leader of the Cenobites or even is given a name. I understand the last is because the makeup of the one who's supposed to be the leader actually did not allow the actor to talk.


Halloween tree by Ray Bradbury or Interview with the Vampire by Anne Rice.


Stephen King has had a few short stories adapted into films. Children of the Corn or 1408 (to name two examples) would work as Halloween episodes and reading wouldn't require a huge time commitment.


I'd personally like to see Woman in Black, preferably the newer film adaption because I found the older one kinda meh at best


It's just a little over hundred pages long, and the edition I have includes an introduction by another author and screen treatment he did back in the 1950's for it.


It's not short, but The Exorcist is a great book (and film, obviously).

Chelsea Monk

The Halloween Tree or Something wicked this way comes, both Ray Bradbury are relatively short books.


Steven King's novella 'The Mist', apparently King stated that he preferred the film's ending to his own.


Oh, and I should point out that it has Adaptational Attractiveness: Kristy is described as "plain" and "dreamy" in the novella, she's neither in the movie. Also besides the homeless man who's also a dragon they added a boyfriend in the movie, but removed a Cenobite named The Engineer.


Stephen King's Carrie (1976).

Amy Poli

Idk how long the book is but Misery by Stephen King.


Disney sleepy Hollow

Wincent, The Hollow Knight

I would actually say something a bit tragic / dark. Like Hunchback or Pinocchio. If you hadn't said you wouldn't do it would I have suggested something Steven king related.


What about one of the Goosebumps books adapted into one episode from the TV series. All the books are pretty short and the episodes are only half an hour. Plus it could be a good back up tradition for future years.


Anything Steven King, but those are a bit long... So how about Where The Wild Things Are? :-) A kids book with some depth. *says the school-librarian*


<a href="https://www.goodreads.com/list/show/26451.Horror_films_based_on_books" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.goodreads.com/list/show/26451.Horror_films_based_on_books</a> found a whole list of potential picks.


Hello! I'm a new Patreon so it's quite fun to make a recommendation for the first time(though you have every right to disregard this comment). While there are a myriad of stories I'd love to hear your thoughts on, with the time constraints of moving, I'll make an odd, perhaps cringy but hopefully simple request. Have you ever thought about discussing well um...creepypastas. Though in all honesty I would only want to hear your thoughts on noEnd House, given its unfolding adaptation onto SyFy's Channel Zero. And if you would rather stay away from the Jeff fangirls and poorly written lost episodes I do not blame you in the slightest.


Hellraiser!! The book its based on, The Hellbound Heart, is only 100 pages. I like Jayden Dove idea for the Mist too


Or Gerald's Game in the theme of Steven King and the more recent Netflix original movie. I mean that's probably more normal request.


In keeping with the theme of your last Halloween episode, Bram Stoker's Dracula, (much enjoyed by the way) might I suggest Mary Shelley' Frankenstein? The 1994 film, starring Kenneth Branagh as Victor Franenstein, Robert De Niro as The Creature, and Helena Bonham Carter as Elizabeth?


Carrie has at least 3 adaptations, that sounds more like Dom Oscars material...


You could flip through the various GOOSEBUMPS books, a lot of those got adapted for the tv series.


Two contrasting proposals : 1/ Gone Girl (not super Halloween themed but it's a crime mystery) as a super lawful adaptation where the author of the book is also the author of the script, and you can dissert about the differences inherent to the two mediums ; or 2/ the Wizard of Oz/Wicked franchises and how the story politicizes and depoliticizes itself on each iteration (don't thank me for suggesting reviewing a musical it's my Halloween gift). Cheers bye.


The Strange Case of Doctor Jekyll and Mister Hyde is short and has many adaptions (maybe Terrence can be your Mister Hyde!). Misery and Cujo and Carrie by Stephen King aren't too long either


I'd personally want to see a review of Practical Magic. It's not super long.


Oh, also The Hellbound Heart/Hellraiser.


I was able to read it cover to cover in three hours.


I second practical magic!


Mary Shelley's Frankenstein?


Interview with a Vampire?


I Am Legend is a really good book and relatively short book, that has been made into 2 (or possibly) 3 not well reviewed movies (IAL with Will Smith, The Omega Man with Charlton Heston and The Last Man on Earth with Vincent Price). You could go with the Will Smith book, since they actually kept the name.


Psycho by Robert Bloch, I Know What You Did Last Summer by Lois Duncan, and The Halloween Tree by Ray Bradbury are all pretty short reads I think.


i haven't seen Jaws or The Haunting been suggested yet


Candyman by Clive Barker


World war z! World war z!

Dominic Ford

I was going to suggest a Stephen King novel but it seems half of the comments here have already suggested it. So, what they said.


The Legend of Sleepy Hollow by Washington Irving, then you can with do the Disney Cartoon, Tim Burton or the... tv show...


This one is very personal, but I was wondering about The Halloween Tree. It was this animated movie that I used to watch every year as a kid and it holds a special place in my heart. I checked and yes, it is based on a book by Ray Bradbury.


Robert Bloch's Psycho?


Oh, one more suggestion. Tod Browning's Freaks was inspired by the story Spurs by Tod Robbins but other than one of the circus "freaks" marrying one of the "normal" looking circus women who only agreed to because he was rich, they pretty much have zero in common. I originally suggested The Fly by Katherine Mansfield but even though it was in a book of "stories that inspired movies" looking at the summary it has nothing in common with the movie.


The strange case of dr jekyll and mr hyde. No adaptations got it right yet and its only about 80 pages


You could do a LiA on Silence of the Lambs, Written by Thomas Harris


There is also a David Hasselhoff stage musical based on Jekyll and Hyde. I have access to it but never watched it.


Short and easy to read? I don’t think you’ve done Coraline.


Any short story by Edgar Alan Poe.


Silence of the lambs! Do Silence of the Lambs! Or any of the Thomas Harris 'Hannibal Lecter' stories with adaptions, suppose they'd all work as well.


How about Children of the Corn? More Stephen King never hurts (and it's based on a short story).


Ooh, 1408! It's based on a short short by Stephen King.


If it hasn't been suggested already, The Legend of Sleepy Hollow. I mean, yes, there's the Tim Burton version for one, but there's ALSO the Wishbone episode, which, let's face it, Wishbone is awesome.


The original novel for Psycho is less than 200 pages. Or you could go very corny with I Know What You Did Last Summer. The book is MUCH different. Or perhaps pull something once more from the Stephen King vault never hurt anyone.


Spurs - Freaks The Hellbound Heart - Hellraiser The Haunting of Hill House - The Haunting ('63 &amp; '99)


The Exorcist seems good. The book was written in 1949 and adapted in the 1970's.


I know you've said you don't really want to do Terry Pratchett adaptations but Wyrd Sisters could be fun if you can find the animated mini series they did for that

Jen the Reaper

Bambi. It's a reletively short book, but OOOH MAN is it fucked up!

Jen the Reaper

Oh, I don't think it's a short book, but I Know What You DId Last Summer is a good one.


1408 is based on a short story but it isn't really a 'good' adaptation even if it is a good movie and book. It might be in name only not sure it's been a while. Green Mile is based on a series of short stories.


There is also Interview with the Vampire with all it's sexy gay sexy blood sucking. Twilight vampires aren't gay these guys are and I love it.


The Call of Cthulhu (2005) film might do. It was made to homage silent movies and is only 50 minutes long.


I would say It, but you know over a thousand pages so probably do that at another date lol. How about Tim Burton's Sleepy Hollow movie? I know its a short book so it shouldn't be too bad.


I second The Hellbound Heart and Hellraiser, very short book but both it and the film are great. Or there is the Cirque du Freak film based on the first three books of The Saga of Darren Shan, I know that's three books but they are all quick reads.


Carrie by Stephen King


American Psycho


The Pit and the Pendulum by Edgar Allen Poe


Mary Shelley's Frankenstein isnt a very large book, think it took me about 2 hours to read. You have a number of movies to choose from to compare it as well.


That may not work, I think every movie based on Poe does its on thing with the stories

Emily C. A. Snyder

Jane Austen's Northanger Abbey. There's either a TERRIBLE but faithful 1980's BBC version, or the sliiiightly adapt-y free but considerably better Andrew Davies version from a few years back (also BBC). Short read, too!

Emily C. A. Snyder

Sleepy Hollow to Tim Burton's...reimagining (?) would be a good rant-y one at any rate. It's practically In Name Only.

E. P. Haury

There's a 2005 adaptation of "The Call of Cthulhu." It was made by the H. P. Lovecraft Appreciation Society, is only 47 minutes, and they made it a black &amp; white silent movie (with title cards for dialogue) using purposefully old-style design and acting.

E. P. Haury

(Also, the original work is a short story, so less time reading, too.)


Maybe Picture of Dorian Grey?

Neo Ultra Mike

Is Gerald's Game a long book since with the Netflix adaptation out it's a good time to look at that.


I don't think Carrie is particularly long


The Mist?


I just thought of Lord of the Flies. There's even two movies made out of the novel and it's not particularly long. So you could pick between the movie from 1963 or the movie from 1990! Oh the choices!


Someone mentioned it on the Skype chat, but I concur: The Halloween Tree


How about Psycho. Yes it was a book first I checked


There were a few adaptations of some of Stephen King's short stories! The main one I can think of is The Boogeyman. There's also Legend of Sleepy Hollow, always a classic!


Oh, here's another one - Edgar Allan Poe's poem, The Raven, was turned into a movie starring Vincent Price - <a href="https://youtu.be/PvngX_-K-NI" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://youtu.be/PvngX_-K-NI</a> If that doesn't say short and easy nothing will.


Legend of Sleepy Hollow would be super interesting


I think The Dom should look at "Extraordinary Tales". It's an animated anthology on Edgar Allan Poe's short stories like "The Fall of the House of Usher" and "The Tell-Tale Heart".


Do a What's the Difference about Pet Sematary.