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This one goes out to Jami, one of the longest running and most vocal of my supporters. If she was my agent I'd be bigger than Elvis.


The Bad Seed, Lost in Adaptation ~ The Dom



YAY! I AM SO HAPPY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


When the Wicked Witch got hit, I thought it was going to be a truck like in all those flashbacks in "Wicker Man" LOL


Umbridge eaten by a dinosaur? Oh shame on you the Dom you gave the poor thing indigestion and yet it was still immensely satisfying. Well done sir and I hope the L.A. apartment hunting went well for you.


So the spanking scene was more or less a joke by the filmmakers? Huh, didn't see that coming. Anyways, great job as usual, and keep it up. ;) Should be fun to see how you hand "The Invisible Man."


Actually I read somewhere it was in the play too. Though I can't remember if it was the woman playing Christine who spanks her or the play's director.


LOL Love all the iconic film villains being killed by random acts of violence; particularly the Witch of the West being hit by a train. XD


Good work Thor!

Wincent, The Hollow Knight

NOBODY CAN HIDE FROM THE NORSE GOD OF THUNDER! *Sends thunder strike towards the emoji movie*

E. P. Haury

You absolutely sure Thor was responsible? I was pinning it on Zeus, as you described it.


This is one of the funniest videos you've done! I was in fits over the villain deaths and Thor!


Not requesting this one - but on the subject you mentioned - another one that seems to be adapted fairly quickly (book published in 1960 and the first and most famous movie made in 1962) was Whatever Happened To Baby Jane and there wasn't a ton of changes. Physical appearances of the characters, mostly, with Blanche being a blonde in the book and Jane the brunette. Where in the movie it's the other way around. The famous dead rat scene in the book was a dead bird and there's another meal scene where Jane has poured a fine coating of sand all over Blanche's food. I can't remember if the movie left out Blanche being able to successfully throw letters out her window to the next door neighbor at this time. I'd have to rewatch it to see. But all in all so faithfully adapted it would be almost pointless to do a LIA of the 1962 one, other then to watch two women who hated each other passionately in real life play two women who hate each other passionately on screen. Apparently there was a made for tv version in 1991. But no one remembers that except Wikipedia.

Ragnar Haukur Sverrisson

Villain that was killed by random act of violence, the bad guy in naked gun 2. Survives a fall from a building without a scratch, then out of nowhere is mauled by a lion. Random, sure. Lol hilarious, oh yes.


YES! Evolution jokes!


Oh, Hayes code, screwing around with so many movies I grew up with and tacking on endings that come out of nowhere and/or make no sense. I do really enjoy it when a reviewer I like so much covers a film from the Golden Age of Hollywood. I don't get to see that very often, and I really appreciate it. :)


I'm back at the end of the line now, but I will be requesting some more oldies from The Dom. Not having cable growing up, only one tv at the time which mom controlled, and mom loving old movies, I grew up on a LOT of things like The Bad Seed, The Mummy, The Creature From The Black Lagoon, etc. I can vaguely remember watching Rebecca with her as a child. (Never could get into the book though.) As well as a number of things like The Invisible Man (1933), The Time Machine (1960), The Village Of The Damned (1960), Invasion Of The Body Snatchers (1956) - only one of those is an official request from me, I won't say which one, though one or more of those might be requested in the future when I'm at the end of the line again. Only modern one at this time I hope he'll do eventually is A Dog's Purpose. And that's because I want to see if he agrees with me that it would've been better adapted if it had been a TV mini-series with each week's showing a different part of Bailey's many canine lives.

Alyssa G

I think this concept is very good. But the dying by Thor seems overly dramatic 😆


I will say- the benefit to tagging on an absurd ending that comes out of nowhere is completely just turning the movie off right before it and not accepting it! LoL! Look, she got away with it and is skipping down the pier! *click* What a great movie!