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Episode 2 of A Dom of Ice and Fire.


Game of Thrones S1 E2, Lost in Adaptation ~ The Dom



A good video, I do appreciate your content. I was wondering if you had considered doing two episodes at once, at least for the first season, I understand you can fall down a rabbit hole here, you could spend hours talking about the owner of the dagger, etc, etc. I just think two episodes might make a longer LIA episode. The first season is almost lovingly loyal to the books, there is not much to get angry about, and some changes in Season 2 are actually enjoyable (Tywin interacts with a character he does not in a book)


I wouldn't want to commit to that at this point while I still don't have any idea what the average video length will be.


The first season is probably the most book loyal, but you can see the start of issues that will become more prominent later on.


"It should have been you," this is where I just began to hate Kat myself. Most of the first book I really REALLY didnt like her.


I always got the impression that Cersei murdered her first child. She didn't want children with Robert so she poisoned the baby. They do mention that Jon Aryn appeared ill before he finally died, so it seems possible she could have done the same. While she shares some mild regret for the death later on with Robert it very well could have been play acting. I feel I got this impression via the book as it seemed to mention how against having Robert's kids Cersei was than the show really got into. But it's been some time since I've read the books so I could be mistaken. Still, when you look at the fact that she a) is a Lannister through and through and wanted pure Lannister children both from her womb and on the throne and b) was visiting with Cat to give "condolences" about a child she wanted murdered it always felt as if the story was less supposed to be heartfelt sympathy and more of a hope. "It's so easy to kill a child, I hope yours dies too" sort of thing but in a sneaky, backhanded sort of way. I mean, especially comparing her "grief" over that baby to the grief she shows over Joffrey and her daughter and it just doesn't compare. I could be giving the show waaaaaaaaaaay too much credit though


I really love Bran's first dream in the books. It's so wonderfully written, I sometimes wish it had been included here more than I do the tower of Joy later this season.


I'm apparently the only person in the world who hasn't read the books or seen the shows, so I doubt this is exactly a widespread issue, but while I can kind of glean a basic idea of what happened from your description, it's patchwork at best. I suppose adding in a brief plot synopsis of the episode would be waaay too much work, given the number of episodes we're talking about?


When I think of how hard you worked to make BDSM both understandable and respectable in 50 shades, the sad slip up regarding rape is just a bit more painful

Jo and Gareth

It's a very complex plot that tracks an insane number of characters, all of which is informed by a massive backstory and multiple fictional cultures. It's not a story that can be summarised easily. I'd go read the wiki plot sections. You're the only person to never watch/read Game of Thrones...I know this because people feel compelled to make a point of telling everyone at every opportunity.