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Quick question, planning on doing a quick "A very brief recent history of Westeros" too but just want to know if you'd rather I start the LiAs first then come back to that?
I'm cool either way so be honest ^^



as someone that hasn't read or watched(much) of GoT, I think it would be helpful to know that is going on before getting into the story...and we get more of your melodious voice to listen to.


Do one LIA, then a brief history, then an LIA. Break it up a bit.


Well, if he was gonna get people grounded then it would be better to just make a "Beginner's introduction to A Song of Ice and Fire" video, rather than make these really short history videos. As for me, I'd prefer if he just got started. Also, you should read the books, they are the best!


Honestly since the history of the world of asoiaf is integral for understanding how little changes have major concenquance it good to start with the history lesson (also it can help you set up the changes that hurt and helps the story overall)

Chelsea Monk

I say take it in turns. I'd be happy to see both. Do a LIA episode, then a History vid. That way you keep everyone happy, and you don't have to sacrifice one for the other.


Curious as to your thoughts on the upcoming remake of Murder on the Orient Express. I'm generally opposed to repeated remakes but after swing that trailer with that cast I find I am seriously excited!


Suppose I wouldn't mind the LiA being after the history videos, as long as there's not tooo many of them. XD But I'm cool with either decision. :)


Break it up by doing a History vid, then a LiA episode. Love ya, Dom!


I'm fine with Westeros History First. We'll get to Narnia when we get to Narnia (see what i did there?) ;)


I'd be fine with either, though it would be nice to see the history stuff. :)


Given that I haven't read much of the books or seen any of the show, some background would be good


History first. Especially since the last one was so damn funny and it will make it easier to follow an in depth analysis (plus, you don't have to constantly explain why certain moments are significant)


Prefer the history stuff personally, but ultimately your choice.


I think it'd be nice to get the history first to get it out of the way, and explain the setting and backstory at the same time so you don't have to take so much time out during the LiA to explain the history, setting, or exposition that will soon be covered in the next history video anyway.

Jo and Gareth

I'd rather get into the LIA videos because I know all the history...but my nerdish desire for order demands you finish the history videos first.


Background first because i have not read the books nor watched the complete show. I mean i TRIED watching the show and i did from the beginning but I get so exasperated with multiple narratives. especially if they then switch to a character i dont like.


Your video sounds like an awesome idea for a prequel show!


Come on, The Dom! I watched the first Episode of the New Season and it was a great main course! Now I need your sweet voice to be the best dessert ever