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Germany... I'm so sorry. Im just... I'm sorry.


The Neverending Story: The Animated Adventures - The Dom Reviews

The Dom reviews one of the many disappointing spinoffs to the Neverending Story. With heartfelt apologies to all my German Beautiful Watchers.


Jo and Gareth

Perfect way to end a silly day! Thanks for this madness.


...wait, there were how many episodes?!? I figured they made three or four plus a shitty pilot before the plug got pulled.


Oddly enough this was my first introduction to the Never Ending Story... Setting i guess? I can remember the movie less than the cartoon it seems now.


Oh God I watched this show years ago, and didn't think about it until now.


Man, this show's premise reminds me of the half-assed Jumanji show that came out in the mid-nineties too. In that one Alan was still stuck in the game world (for some unexplained reason), but whenever there was a problem in the world of Jumanji the kids would somehow intuitively know. At the beginning of each episode something would go down with Alan in Jumanji, the kids would roll the dice to get transported into the game world, and then would have to solve the problem of the episode in order to be transported back into the real world at the end of each episode. The overarching "goal," I suppose, was to eventually finish the game and get Alan released from the game world... or something. But I remember the way they transported into the game and back was just as unclear as this series. It wasn't just "kids sucked into a portal, kids returned via portal," it would zoom in on their faces and the Jumanji background would fade and get replaced by the real-world location they were in when they rolled the dice. Like, if they were sitting with their seatbelts on in a parked car the background would fade to that of Jumanji and they'd be standing by a cliff, then at the end of the episode even if they were standing in a crowded village at the end of the episode we'd get a dream-like fade back to their seatbelted selves in the parked car. It was very weird. I'm glad movie-to-show trends like this faded quickly.


I would have assumed "Rock-Chewer" was some kind of racial slur. Not sure if that's better or worse.