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Got a research question for one of the 12 people who saw the film Rebecca without reading the book if your around.



I'm around.


I'm also around.


It's been a few years since I saw the movie, but I'm also around.


i'm around


I was a kid when I saw it. So I can't promise I'll remember much.


Shoot. I liked it so much I bought a copy.


Just need to know if you were particularly surprised by the plot twists . Working on a theory that the books slow build up worked against it as a book as a whole but really helped the big reveals.


Actually, I was a bit surprised. It really was seeming like the illegitimate baby route and it initially did seem like he did have affection for his wife instead of abject hatred. The fact neither of these were the case was well done. I kind of figured it wasn't murder as that was a bit too obvious and I have watched a lot of movies/tv and read a lot of books.


i was kinda surprised to be honest


I've read and watched it, but I definitely agree with you. The book kinda dragged a little over long for my tastes. I would have liked the rise of the tension to have been greater so the reveals felt more meaningful. If that makes sense.


I was pleasantly surprised, didn't see it coming

Robert Griffith

My brother, who saw the film but didn't read the book, said this: "plot twists were a little surprising, but made complete sense. Mostly, what happened to Rebecca was surprising, as well as her lie. I can't remember any other major twists, so they must not have been too surprising."


I know my mom has only seen the movie and she remembers being freaked out/surprised.


Personally I wasn't surprised that the marriage wasn't as happy as initially implied, but beyond that... yes. When rewatching it, I liked that the twists didn't come out of nowhere.


I just saw the film a couple of days ago. I didn't really see any of the plot twists coming, but I wasn't especially blown away by them.