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I'm starting to wonder if keeping WIP's exclusive / patreon only is even worth it.

Because it just gets leaked anyway so it never becomes exclusive.

So I am considering dropping posting WIP's or posting WIP's as exclusive only and just immediately make it public.

Exclusive posts can never win anyway, but hey, it will remove the benefit of seeing WIP's earlier than others but others might subscribe because of the wips so I would be able to afford making it higher quality?


Anyways sorry about this message, thought I'd let you guys know.



But if you upload it here, I have an easy way to track your art, plus if you just upload it on twitter I'll have no reason to give you the money you deserve


I don't care if you release now or later, I'll continue supporting you because your art makes me happy & is well worth it for that alone.


Other than Discord or Telegram where it is easier to integrate with other people, ppl who don't explicitly look for Patreon exclusive art on websites won't typically find them other than if they were subbed on Patreon or by you personally, I feel posting them when you do so may help ppl have incentive to sub here


Do whatcha gotta do to make ya feel more comfortable. Whatever you do we’ll support ya!

Drall (Victor M)

I also use patreon as a way to track your art and keep up with your newest uploads. It's very convenient and a big part of the appeal for me personally. I really like the wips regardless of exclusivity, so just post stuff when you feel it's ready, take your time.

Kenny Stimson

You do you. I just appreciate the awesome art you do and am happy to continue supporting it.




It seems common for other patreon artists to post wips either before or with the final on a multipost-post. But this is your patreon so the decision is of course up to you! I enjoy just seeing your art regardless.


Why not try what some other artist do and release it publicly a week or two after posting here.


I mean, I'll pay anyway, you're a great artist, and I want to support you


maybe you could put the file on something that only patreons would be able to view but can't save? Is there an actual site like that?


I will continue to support you regardless as I enjoy your art.


That's what I do, but I don't like to post unfinished projects publicly. But since people are ripping it off of patreon, I see no other choice than to advertise wips through words than actual wips.


It's possible to just screen record it and just post it elsewhere, people find their way around, which is the issue.


I've seen some people on patreon have a pinned post with links that they update when releasing content. Scrapers don't check for changes to existing posts and, unless the reposter is already supporting you here, nobody will get the updated link list.


I always try to be careful and not post something from Patreon until I see that the artist has also posted it elsewhere (such as FA or Twitter). The main reason that I subscribe, though, is to support you, not to see things early.


Exactly what Aiden said.