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I want to apologize for my absence this January, I needed a break before I start 2022 with new contents.

My plans are to create 1-2 animations per month throughout 2022, more if I can afford it.

So I need all the support that you can share to make this year about animations.

Hope you all are doing great, and thank you all for staying to support me.

I love you all! 💙💙💙💙



No worries, you got to take care of yourself. Hugs

Stu Fox

Does this mean you won't be drawing any more images?


Looking forward to the new animations!


Hope you're doing okay!


Your art is the best apologising!


I will definitely be doing images on the side, like work on the Leto x Nick series, fanarts and commissions. I'm just trying to push more animations out this year!


A break is sometimes needed, I can't wait to see what new stuff you make!


Everyone gotta rest at some point! Your art is so worth the wait :) Hope your new year was good!!!

Dezmond Boi

Everyone needs a break ^w^


Nothing wrong with that and no apologies needed, everyone need to cool off sometimes, and you've been active enough on Twitter for us to not worry ;) May the number of frames be high for the year ahead !


Big hugs for our favorite snow pof