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For the first, I want to apologize for lack of uploads, but I am trying to take care of my health the best I can while studying more art, I have some artworks to upload later.

Okay so on to the health.

I got one test result back.

Turns out I have an infection that could be damaging or even lethal if it gets into my bloodstream, so I am currently being treated, it's not 100% of the times bodies accept antibiotics towards this infection, but my body thankfully took this medication well so I have gotten better.

I am still waiting for the other test results.

I want to thank you all for your patience, once I am able to be a lot more active I will post more frequently.

I love you all! 💖



I hope you will be fine soon 😞


Take as much time to recover as you need. Health needs prioritize all other things. A happy healthy Leto is the best Leto.


I am slowly getting better, just wish I went to see the doctor earlier. Thank you.


Oh... take all the time you need to make sure you get over this Leto. ;A;


Oh gosh. I hope you recover, Leto 😰 We hope you recover soon


Good luck and I hope you’re getting better soon. Health is everything we got and we need to try everything to be healthy.


Oh damn, happy they found it in time and your body respond well :< Wish you a quick recovery


*sends good possum vibes* :V


Hoping and wishing you better health and lots of love, 🤘🤘🤘


All the best to you going forward!

Stu Fox

Good luck, man -- there's a lot of people out in the world pulling for you right now.


*hugs you tight* Hope you'll get well soon!


What nasty stuff did you catch there?

Morning Coffee

What sort of infection are they worried will make you become spetic?

Diesel Weasel

Wishing you a speedy recovery, dude. 💖 Kick that infection's ass.


Yay so happy to hear that


Oh, no. I wish you the best. Get well soon!

Morning Coffee

Sepsis is no joke. Glad you are getting it taken care of.

Anonymous (edited)

Comment edits

2021-12-24 14:49:11 I’m sorry glad you are better. Love you and your magic you share with us.
2021-12-24 06:45:03