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Decided to spend my day with people on my stream rather than under my bed for once, on this day of val-*barfs* entine... Happy singles awareness day! I love you all! <3

So I drew this piece of my favorite characters!

Hope you guys like!




It's lovely! And as a long-married person, I dislike today as well. It's like a financial obligation to show someone affection that should be shown daily. Yay consumerist holidays.

Killer Space

I do like it, it's very nice! I need to remember to get my wife some cookies tonight, I forgot yesterday after work! Enjoy Single Pringle's day!


Very cute, is sometimes nice to just see cute artz!


We love you Leto. ;A; I wish there was more we could do for you as fans and friends.


And I doubt this is a desired critique, but I'd like to personally thank you for following the true "D" animation style &amp; not giving Marian hyper tits. It seems everyone who draws her thinks she needs bewbs. She doesn't.