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So I got back from the eye doctor and are currently trying out contact lenses (which just seriously blew my mind, even tho I was expecting to have clear vision after trying it out)

So I will be trying them out for a few days and go back to eye doctor in a week for control with my eyes.

So far I see pretty good from distance, but my eyes restrain a bit when I look at the screen, so I need to take a little bit off from drawing to get used to the contacts, I hope you guys don't mind!

I'll see the opportunity to draw when I just wear glasses (hopefully transition from glasses to lenses back to glasses occassionally wont mess up my depth of field / clarity in my vision as it could mess up my drawings)

I hope you guys are doing well!

Much love to current and new patreons, welcome and thank you so so much for deiciding to throw a few bucks at me and my works! <3



When I wear my contacts my distance vision becomes near perfect but seeing things close is painful. Believe me, this isn't something that gets better, it's a change of focus so great your eyes can't adjust to it at close range. Trying to do so will result in terrible headaches. Invest in a cheap pair of reading glasses. I got a pair at Walmart for less than $10 &amp; it made it so when I'm wearing my contacts my close-up vision is better than ever while using them.


My glasses wouldn't be cheap as my vision is so screwed I need special modified lenses because each side vary so much


I never tried contacts. I'm using glasses since 2007 and they are... not perfect. I need -3,5 glasses (germany) and they cause really weird effects on the very edge of the glasses, if you look left or right. out of the window or something. It's kind of refraction style. If I look too much left, i see orange outlines on objects. And if I look too much right, I see blue outlines on objects. This problem came up, when i needed to use -3,5 for the first time. Before -3,5 i only had -3,0. And of curse the all day problems... dust on glasses, rain / water on glasses. and the world looks a bit smaller with glasses on, because they are glasses.


Take care of yourself Leto, your health comes first.


It's ok ^_^

Fluff W0lf

Eyes are no joke Leto, you only get one pair. Take care of yourself for you and your vision is precious. 😊


We are very pleased to hear this Leto! Take all the time you need to get adjusted to your contacts! Hope to talk soon! L


It's no problem Leto! Your health is what's most important to us and we hope to see you all healed and we'll in the future! 💗 Stay awesome!


My closeup vision is pretty sketchy. I use a 46" TV for a screen to cheat. I calibrated the colors as close as I could and it works pretty OK.