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(Copy from my FA Jorunal)

I want to wish everyone a belated Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

2019 for me has been quite the journey, as I've been living with my good friend OceansEnd on FA in Germany for 10 months, as a break from my currently home.
This this had me realize something, my mom wasn't living well, as we've talked via VC while I was gone, and I felt kind of guilty for leaving her behind in the kind of mess.
My sisters aren't very good at helping her, and I've mostly been the "handyman" guy in the house, repairing and helping my family the past decade, despite suffering with my own issues such as anxiety, depressions, loneliness etc, but I try to put my family before me, despite how much upset I get with my sister (I wont go into detail)

So I traveled back from Germany to Northern Norway to help my mom get her life back on track, by organizing and fixing the house, with her help of course.
I guess I'm not just a handyman, but a motivational person too, as me and my mom has done a lot of work with the house, fixing electrical errors, getting new dishwasher, throwing unused things away etc.
A lot of the repairs has been possible because of my incredible Patrons at: https://www.patreon.com/letodoesart and I SERIOUSLY wouldn't have gotten this far without you guys, and I feel terrible because I haven't been able to post as much artwork the past few months as I've been super busy, I only came here to help my mom, but my sisters and grandmother has also started demanding my help so it's gotten a bit exhausting.

I am also attempting at getting car license so I can get around more easier in my town, (this is for my own health and mentality) As after I got back from Germany, I soon became a member of a training studio with free swimming pool included, so I want to take advantage of this when I am able to transport myself. I know I could just ask people or take the bus, but I rather not rely on those, as it cost their time and money.
So again, without you and my patrons, all this hasn't been possible.

I also went to my first ever furry convention in EuroFurence back in 13th August - 20th, and that was an incredible experience, I met a lot of my fans and people in general, and I wouldn't hesitate to go there again, but now that life is getting more hectic throughout 2020, (As my plans are to finish this house, save up money so I am able to move to Canada and start my life properly there at the end of 2020, which is the goal.)

I'm not gonna ask for any help, as I already feel guilty for receiving such an amount on my Patreon whilst barely being active.
But the fact that alot of you guys is still staying there means more to me than just money, so thank you from the bottom of my atom in my heart.

2019 was a hectic year, but 2020 is gonna be hectier, if that even is a word, but I will try my best to pull through, despite my harsh anxiety and depressions.

I will try to post more contents this year, if time allows me.

Thank you.



Killer Space

A very exciting year it seems, both good and less good! I understand the absolute whirlwind it's been, my year was full of ups and downs. Dealing with bed bugs twice withing 3 months is not fun, but we persevere. Keep up the good work, and I look forward to whatever you put out, whenever. If you burn out forever, that means no more art EVER, so taking personal time now is A-OK in my books. ^_^


Ow, Leto! Thank you for the amazingly personal that's :) I bet you'll have an amazing 2020 even if it may be hectic and stressful here an there! Can't wait to hear how things turn out, and hopefully we'll get to talk at this year's EF in case you're able to join us again :D


I would really go to EF26, but the fact that they changed it into a lottery to get rooms at the hotel, kind of makes me want to not attempt to go. But it depends if some people get a room at the Estrel who'd want me as a roomie. Preferable 2 person room only as I'm very social anxious the more people there are in a small room.


Getting a license is a great idea! You will be so much happier knowing your able to do what you want when you want to. It definetly helped me alot. I hope your 2020 is amazing and I cant wait to hear about it!


Yeah, I'm looking forward to it, but I'm not gonna be happy knowing I'm contributing to world polution, hence I want a Tesla in the future. I've been dreading all my life with getting a license, as I've always tried to be more healthier with biking and helping out nature.


<33 Happy new year to you too Leto. I've been a lil fanboy of yours ever since I first discovered you, and that joy of watching your art grow has not stopped since then. It's been a pleasure supporting you, yeah? I hope to continue helping you in my own lil way.


It's all great Leto! . Really happy for you buddy and hope things goes smoothly with everything!.


I'm glad you've been able to get everything turned around in the last few months, and i'm very happy to have contributed to it, even if only a small amount every month. Super happy to hear life looks to be going your way. On behalf of Canada I'd like to welcome you with open arms and some fresh Tim Hortons