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something i wish i had on my toughest days is a friend who could be there for me physically, hold my hand and comfort...

i often think i dont exist, all i would need is a real touch to bring me back to life...

i wouldnt wish this loneliness upon anyone, not even enemies...

i know i have you guys, but remind yourselves that you're way over there, and I'm way over here, alone irl, with a screen in front of me to deliver your messages and comfort... messages that cant physically wrap around me and give me a hug.

im sorry for this emotional piece, im just drawing my deepest desires...




I know exactly what you mean. Sometimes it feels like a single embrace could change everything. Like it could remedy all your doubts and make you feel so much more whole. I understand 100% Thank you for sharing this with us. It means a lot that you put this out there for us to see instead of suffering in silence. Stay strong, man. You can find that touch you need.

Killer Space

Well, one day you'll be in Canada, and if you're ever on the west side I'm difinitely giving you a hug!


I got the east covered. We will form a Leto hug squad.


I know we can't give you physical comfort, sitting on our sides of our screens, but know that we all care for you, even if we can't be there to hold you. I know that during some of my worse days, I felt like a hug or embrace would help everything, and hearing you cannot get that breaks my heart. Thank you for sharing your feelings and struggle with us Leto, especially as it is such a difficult and personal topic for you. As Dash62g said, it means so much to us that you have shared it with us instead of suffering silently. Be strong, I promise you, through this dark you can make it through to the other side, and even though we can only offer words on a screen for you, we will be with you every step of the way <3


Why don't you see about moving out again? This time stay out >_>


Idk your exact situation... But i like to imagine myself that i know how u feel... sometimes i hace really terrible times where i sit in my small room infront if my pc n think to myself... if id die right here n now... it would take weeks for snyone to notice (cuz of the smell) n then again... noone would even miss me... Than i feel even worse n distract myself with the pc again... shutting off even more from dociety n gettin even lonelier cuz i loose any kind of human interaction. BUT if you ever come anywhere close to north germany again. Tell me then i csn go n gice chu all the huggs you missed out the last few years :* ^3^


I moved back not because I wanted to, but because my mom was in need of help, I'm here temporary to help her get her back on track by helping her clean and organize and renovate this house so she can be happier when I am not longer here. When I lived away, and when I talked to Mom, I just saw how depressed she was because she was being taken advantage of by my sisters and they didn't help her and fights often broke out... I'm here hoping I can help my mom, since I am living in guilt that I broke this family apart hence my dad passed away, I don't want my mom anymore sad than I am, once I know this house is fixed and she is happier, I will be happier and can move on...


Hopefully it won't be too long before you can relocate to a place where the rest of your fans are. I promise you, just about any major city anywhere has dozens, if not hundreds, of people who would eagerly be there for you in real life at any time. Life has thrown you a bad hand in the form of such isolation.


I was thinking to be the only in that case, but it seems like i'm not the only... I would like to talk about it with you if you want on discord... Like when I go outside and see all those people, smiling and being happy it's getting me depress and thinking that I'm not able to be happy...


Youre a kind, sweet and loving fella. Theres a saying, so long as there is love in your heart you are never truly alone. Big hearts weight heavy on peoples chest but they bring the most warmth to the world. While we may not be there to be with you, you have people who love you and want the best for you. Even if its hard, just know that the pain your feeling is that of a kind warm heart that is truly a gift to this world


You make me wish I could visit Leto. ;~; If I ever won the lottery I'd call you up and take you on a month long vacation to hawaii.


Hopefully that can change soon! Mango did let me know why you have so much problems traveling, maybe some sort of plea or something to speed up the process? :(


*sends a tailhug*