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Hi there!

I am working on a few animations, one of them being Leto changing from his summer coat to winter coat!

And I need your help!
I am tempted to add audio to this animation as well but I have no idea what he should be saying.

I need something short, funny and maybe with a pun!

Context is: He looks at the calendar, realizes it's October and needed to change his fur.

Let me know in the comments if you guys have any ideas! 

WIP - https://puu.sh/EnNB1/dbe9ae997d.mp4 


Cats n' Cameras

It changes he looks down. “Pumpkin spice? Not again!!” Lol

Killer Space

Hmm...all my brain cells must be put to use. "October?! Well, can't /fall/ behind!" That may have been only 3 brain cells, I can't tell atm.

Cats n' Cameras

Oh. Just at this time of the year here in hell. Err I mean Florida. Every single thing suddenly get pumpkin spice Flavoring. Coffee tea donuts , I’ve seen it on a pizza (please kill me). Just funny to think of a pumpkin spice colored otter. Cause. Why not lol.


Good news, I added it to the animation to try it out, and it works flawlessly!

Killer Space

Ahhhhhhh, that's awesome! Some good news for my so far lame night. My Windows 10 commited Suzuki :(


That looks great! I’m excited to see what ya come up with :>


I've been wearing snowballs since before they were cool!


AAAAAAA ♥ I love this idea so much! Maybe make him say something like "can't fall behind on fashion" and when he's done he gets a confused look, says "summer down, it'll spring back in action next year"? :3


"You should see my mating season coat"


Old spice just for men, he might look like me but he doesnt smell like me but he could with new winter coat fragrance from old spice (If you dont get it go on youtube and type in old spice ad)


Octoberfurst time


I love it! ^.^ Looking forward to seeing it finished. Also...what is this "winter" you speak of? *lives in Florida where winter is slightly below room temp*

Destiny Wolf

I sadly have no idea what you could say... but I hoped for an epic Sailor-Moon transformation XD


Ok idk what he could say, i leave the thinking to smarter ppl, BUT the animation looks fun af already x3


maybe something like " its that time of month" lol