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I've been noticable inactive but I have been working on some arts I will post soon!
Also been dealing with stress and anxiety of personal problems, I've also been going to the doctor alot lately, don't worry I am fine, as they just have detected low D vitamin levels so I have been prescribed some to help me increase it, at is has been down to 7, then latest is 12, (20-25 is normal d vitamin levels)

Hope you're excited for the upcoming art!

Love you all!



Hope your been feeling better and don't feel bad about being inactive since it's understandable ^_^


Get that D


Maybe, but it still made you laugh lol


All the best Leto, you take care first and foremost!

Killer Space

I'm super excited, and more excited to hear you're on the good track!


Super happy mai boi! Get that good ol vitamin D in ya and start feeling better ;)


Hope yer feeling a little better man.


I'm excited for your raising vitamin levels. :)


So glad to hear you're starting to feel better ^^ And don't worry about being inactive, you've got to be healthy and happy before anything else and we understand that <3

Futrzasty Mefju

Thats mah boi! Leto is back to the game! I'm so happy that's you gets better <3


Hehe. D levels. Glad to hear you are doing a little better. Looking forward to see them arts. :) ❤