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this is why i dont make emotional contents..

im sorry..



Johnny Grimm

-hugs you and slaps you- you beautiful and gentle hearted son if a bitch. (Now I can finish cause im off work lol.) Listen dude there comes a price with Fame I'd say you've grown enough in the free community as an artist to have a solid reputation for your artwork and though you may feel when you leave that you're letting people down if you disappear that's not true the impact in the influence you're leaving and that you're creating as you go will be astronomical as you continue to work you are inspiring new artists new animators and for people to push themselves and try new techniques and art forms. So if you ever do leave don't think when you disappear that you're gone because as you tread along this Earth and continue to make the work that you do you're leaving along inspiration for other people to pick up and follow in your footsteps so you're never truly gone because the influence in creators that you would Inspire always be there to carry on your memory artwork and name in their hearts in the same could be said about your fans because you will never be gone.


Never let your end be a factor in how much every moment of your existence brings joy to other. If you vanished, yes - we would all miss you terribly. But wounds heal. Mainly because pain is something guaranteed in life. But every picture you share with the world is like a shining star that will blaze long after your darkness. Know that the happiness you bring far outweighs the end we all know is coming. Enjoy the light while it shines.


Yes it will hurt when you leave for whatever reason. But the way I look at is think of all the lives you’ve changed because of your art, your servers, your family that you’ve grown over the last few years. How it keeps growing. You changed some of my friends lives by teaching them how to draw giving them tips. You changed my life by being my friend and by making a server where I was able to fall in love. You have made so many people happy, made so many people laugh and feel good about themselves. Yes it will hurt when you finally go, however far in the future that may be, but.. I think, I feel and know, for me at least that the pain of you going will be incomparable to the joy the laughter and happiness you have given all of us. And I will probably feel like crap when that day comes but like I’ve done with all the family I’ve lost, I’ll think about the good they gave me the laughter of every joke the tears of joy when they got me something. It will hurt when you go but only for a small time because the memory of you will live on through your family, friends, and fans.


I like the way you wrote that and it’s exactly what I was thinking when writing my comment. Good to know I’m not the only one who thinks that way


There's other things I could say beyond what I wrote below, but Feryl and Simon have already worded it well enough that I don't have anything to really add in that sense, so I'll get to the main thing I wanted to say. Content like this is a little worrying, honestly. Maybe I do read too much into things like this, but I try not to let things slip me by because I will always try to be around to help people who need it. I'll be honest, I'm a little concerned about you dude, because at least from what you've mentioned in your apology before, it's a place I've been before. We all care enough about you to donate to you, so if you ever need anything, you can guarantee we'll be there to hear you out and talk. You just gotta say a word.


But on the other paw... Then more you grow as an artist then more people gets a joy till you're not disappear