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I've been trying for days and weeks to draw but I keep failing and doing more terrible than usual, i have no idea what is wrong with me or my brain that puts me this low, it's like a thief came at night and stole my drawing experience I had and I woke up the next day doing so terrible when drawing...

I don't know how to get over this or if I ever will, it's like a built up of frustration, stress, anxiety and artblock all at once..

I don't know what to do..

I don't want want to take a break from drawing, I want to draw because I'm not exhausted from drawing, I want to bring art to you guys but I keep failing.. my goal is to always go for quality over quantity when I draw.. so far it has worked but right now I feel like I can't even improve my old sketches, since I just make them worse, I don't know what is wrong with me...

I'm sorry for lack of posting.. I just wish I could give you guys more for how much you guys supports me..  I feel like I haven't given enough each month.. I feel like I owe you guys alot of art and other projects which I haven't gotten to.. 

I'm sorry...




That sounds pretty frustrating. What if you posted more frequent sketches of lower quality? You could probably open up to patron requested sketch ideas. The more bizarre, the better, you would get more practice but you wouldn't feel pressured to post a masterpiece every time. Just a suggestion. Wish you the best of luck.


you’ll get through it sugar. no worries. 😊


You don"t need to be sorry we all know how life can get, you have a lot of stuff happening in you're life like moving and such. If it helps you anymore maybe ask for suggestions on things to draw, not only may that be helpful but it also may be away to give back what you feel you owe. But to be honest i don't think you owe us anything I support you because I want to help and i love you're art,even if you don't post that much im happy to just chip in.

Johnny Grimm

Now I get you don't want to take a break but let's also not take that off the table as a solution to your issue. Now the issue at hand is someone pulled a Space Jam and someone has taken your talent and now you seem to be drawing below your standard. No I don't know Voodoo or anything so I can't magically bring your talent back, but what I can say is this. Yes you want to provide content to your fans into your supporters you want to be able to give us what we want with some glorious content as fap material. As one of your patreons I feel thankful that you are willing to go so far into work so hard for us and I appreciate you so immensely that your effort will never go unrewarded and unthanked. At the same time do not push yourself I cannot emphasize that enough Do Not freak out, do not panic, you're not the first artist to go through this and you will not be the last this is a natural state especially when you're pumping our content so quickly on a format that promotes that I'm not saying it's a necessity but this is one of the downsides of working call patreon though at the same time it could be a perk not losing your ability but producing content. Now I would say take a short break that's just me but that's what you don't want to do so let's see if we can work around that you say you don't know what to draw what if you start a poll asking fans for ideas and then you pick the top three that you would like to do and then have us vote on that that way you always have a constant flow of material and ideas to work on at the same time giving you subject. As for the drawing ability just try to give yourself some warmer activities throughout the day try to stay loose and limber don't just go in there and worry about a crooked line or something that doesn't work just draw Curves in your spare time or straight lines or circles and triangles and squares stay limber stay loose. In the state of mind right now everything seems like it's falling apart you're losing control, and for a lot of people losing control is terrifying innocent change is almost crippling and scary but you are not alone as stated before you're not the first artist to go through this and you're not alone dude what do you produce or not and if you have to take a break I can't speak for a lot of other people but you will always have my support and I will always be here for you because you're not just a content creator and your not just an artist you don't just make porn, you don't just make furries, you make art. A lot of people would agree with that but you make art that make people feel happy, you make people feel. Do not burn yourself at the stress of trying to force content don't make anything you're not happy with that at the same time don't push and rush yourself because you could do something even worse and cost even more damage I know you just got done with a break but don't be afraid to take another short one but a couple days off dude we don't want you worried we care about you. So if you read this I want you to close your eyes take a deep breath think about why you started this in the first place the people that you did this for the people that help support you to get this far and I want you to relax and let everything go before you start working on anything else remember why you did this and always think about why you want to keep doing this everyday you pick up that pen, everyday you have a thought, you have a process that you go through everyday before you create art. Never forget what made you Leto never forget what makes you unique from everybody else you're a great person and you're very dedicated to your craft and to your fans but we cannot thank you enough so don't be afraid don't give up but don't push yourself. sometimes doing the things we don't want to do, it's the things we need to do the most.


It looks like you're really upset about a thing that affects 100% of artists and creative people. Don't give up.


Does this comment form not support spacing? Sure does. Your endless paragraphs are painful to look at. With all due respect I'm not sure I'd ever take creative advice from someone who doesn't bother to properly create english, but has so much to say.

Johnny Grimm

Dude I have no idea who you are and where you're coming at me with a grammar lecture it's 4:47 in the morning where I'm and I'm using my cell phone and decided to post something to support the artist. I'm not here to impress you, we're here to give support. Now if he doesn't read it and understand pretty long and bulky I don't know who you are though and your opinion doesn't really matter to me I don't know why you felt the need to put your two cents in all that matters is the message that gets across.


Dam sorry your having a really hard and tough time Leto , Do what you need to do for yourself and don't worry I'm sure we all understand and hope you get over your bad hump (hugs) .


..that was alot to read and I'm not even much of a reader, but thank you.. and I don't want to take another break, each seconds that passes I feel like I am wasting time... I had a goal to earn a certain amount of money before I move next month and the fact that each day it's getting closer to the day I move stresses me when I get nothing done.. it's really frustrating.. And try keep replies short, I don't often read messages that is that long but I really appreciate your message 💙


I guess I could try... but I've been trying to sketch something and it doesn't look as interesting to me.. and it's not just that, it's the fact that I am not able to sketch like I used to weeks ago, like professionally, now it just looks so ugly and unprofessional and it demotivates me..


thank you.. i just feel like i owe you guys for the time each individual has been here supporting for the art I do and I haven't sometimes posted for days or weeks and i feel like i want to pay up for that... you guys are here to see art and some are here to support me financially which I really appreciate, I just wish I could create more contents faster


I understand. I have often faced similar issues in my own creative adventures and what I do these days is take a break and do something else fun, then come back to the work later. But you gotta find a system that works for you. Don't be afraid to take breaks, but if that isn't helping then maybe it's a challenge you gotta push yourself through.


> all that matters is the message that gets across. That's why grammar exists. Communication is not about vomiting your ideas at people. You have to _care_fully craft a message that your audience can understand. We use paragraphs to separate information by relevance. A paragraph shouldn't be more than a half-dozen sentences. Sentences should not run-on indefinitely. This is grade-school literacy stuff (because they teach it in grade school), and it is necessary to master it if you want to communicate effectively with other people. You could get upset, or you could listen and improve. <3


Hey Leto, first you have to understand that right now, a lot of the pressure to produce content for your supporters is your brain undermining you, adding stress for every second that art doesn't flow from your fingers. We love you. Your art makes us happy, the subject makes us feel more at home and Arin is an inspiration to love ourselves and be as confident as he is (at least for me <3). I can't speak for everyone, but I can't emphasize enough how much I want you to feel excited for the act of drawing itself, content with what comes out, with less regard for the completed pieces themselves. I totally understand the feeling of wanting quality over quantity, but for the same reason that you don't feel right producing less-than-perfect art, I don't feel right knowing how defeated you feel. I'm actually really familiar with the feeling, I've been pushing myself to write stories for myself and for furs that enjoy the same stuff I do, because I know I've enjoyed writing in the past, and I've written some things I was really proud of. I haven't actually published anything real yet, because it has never felt like what I came up with was anywhere near good enough for what I want it to be. Before this month, I'd been stuck in a cycle of getting through half a story and then dropping writing for 6 months to a year, then starting a new story. Each new cycle, the urge to give up and escape the stress rises. But this month, I discovered a new method to my writing that's kind of reinvigorated me, given me a new love for the process of writing, of producing something from my own talent. I don't know if the same advice would work for you, but I don't think you should be looking back as much. Your previous masterpieces were fucking fantastic, in quality and subject and lighting and shading and *everything*. But your sketches are really appreciated too! I started watching you on IB because the art was of great quality and adorable style, made me feel fuzzy around the edges. But I also started watching you for the subject matter, for the scenes and topics you enjoyed and put into art. Then, I became a patron because you're unique, you make such an effort to connect with your fans and supporters. To me you feel like every comment I give you will actually be read and appreciated. I don't feel like an anonymous fan, you make me feel like a friend. Because of that, ANYTHING you produce, I will enjoy! You shouldn't compare any sketches or attempts at a new style, any practice you make with a pen and paper or stylus and pad, with art that you've already spent 10-15+ hours on. It feels like you draw to share your fantastic quality of art, maybe more so than the subject matter. You already have the proof that you can create masterpiece-quality art, so you shouldn't accept that anything less is a failure. Don't believe that stress, that nagging feeling that it's not good enough. I want to see your throwaway sketches, weird poses you drew that don't feel right. Backgrounds that looked nice but you lost interest in the full piece halfway through. A picture of a cloud that you found a really FUN technique for drawing. I want to see quick concepts for your wonderful and loving paw-shaped island society, the bottomless and clothing-optional, open sexuality lifestyle that you've started building in your lore. I want a pic of just a patch of fur if you practiced realistic fur and were really happy with how it came out. I WANT you to feel less like anything short of "must be better than my last pic, have to continue improving" is failure. You don't want to take a break, you want to find that aspect that made drawing fun and interesting, exciting, the way you've felt before. This stress is like a nightmare, it hits everyone eventually. But it will pass. It's not a permanent state of mind. Post your wonky sketches, your incomplete or "good enough" works until the plague leaves you. Focus less on the final polished product and more on cultivating that appreciation for creation.


I don't know what to say... other than thank you, this makes me feel appreciated that my characters really affect people, as I said told Frazier, I'm not much into reading super long messages but I took my time reading yours as well, I always prefer feedback in words rather than just a push of a button favorite, well I prefer both but feedback helps me improve. And I'll try my best to relax and just have fun with art rather than trying so hard, thank you.. 💙


well just remember most of us would rather quality over quantity witch is what you do so dont feel bad about that


Man, you know how to draw. I'm the one who does not have the patience or dexterity or time so I hire people like you. Is it a lack of ideas? I'm reminded of Black Mirror creator/writer Charlie Brooker who did two amazing seasons of the show and fell into writers block, he attended several parties where he talked to fans of the show and in doing so found all sorts of new ideas and went on to write two more seasons of some of the best episodes in my opinion. Watch this show if you get a chance. If you need them I can send them to you. I was invited to one such party actually by a friend who works for Penn Jillette, I did not go because the timing was not right but he did get the ideas for the last episode "Black Museum" from that very party. So maybe party or at least network with friends and patrons to find new ideas and hopefully the drive will be back stronger than ever. I for one had hoped to see more of Arin's perversions, I loved that he appeared to be a mechanic/technician by day and by night "everybody's pet" or "plaything". Made me laugh, brought me here. Good luck, man, you can certainly draw. Leto does art right?


Hey Leto, I support you because I love what you do and you've made things that made me feel warm and fuzzy and happy ^^ For me personally, I don't care about how high your output is, I just want to support you. It's my way of saying thank you for doing what you do. Whatever pace is comfortable for you is totally okay. I'm not an artist, I've never dealt with art block, I don't have any advice for you on that front unfortunately. But I just wanna tell you that you will not lose my support over it. Take care of yourself first and foremost! <3


Thank you for this inspiration 💙 I'm currently trying to create an Arin meme, so far the sketch is better than I've done in weeks which is kind of motivating.


No worries, I understand your feeling because I am often be like that, It's actually hard to draw when you've got pressure, stress and more other feeling in the same time, art is linked with feeling and mind and it will become good when you're feeling good, relaxed and inspired. Keep trying Leto! whatever happens I still love to support your talent owob


Keeping it short since the others summed it up pretty well :D This here is not an exchange trade Most of us don't support to get something in responce. It's about the Community, to give you something good because we like you There's been a pretty wise woman... Vera F. Birkenbihl... you should give her lessons a try if your german is good enough to understand it (I'm sure it is if you're coming here :D) Seriously, try her out. I know, those presentations are long, but you find them all over youtube and I promise you that you won't regret She once mentioned the following: Imagine someone does you something good. It's like you're pumped up with positive energy, and you want to give that back to this person - so you focus on that, try to do it on any way you can But you know what? Instead of trying to do something good to the same person again, try to share the same attitude with others. If someone helps you out for example with learning new drawing techniques, instead of going ahead and trying to "repay" that person with some other skills, go out and teach the same drawing technique to other people who don't know it yet On this way, you still do something good as well - but it's much more effective! So if we give you support by money and moral, it's not your job to give it back to us, even if it feels like that. Instead, take that support and support other people - and hey, especially yourself! - with it It's a much healthier way to live life. I hope you're somewhat getting the idea - if not, it's in this video somewhere as well.. and I'm sure this video/presentation/lecture whatever may help you "Vera F. Birkenbihl - Humor in unserem Leben" Now, good luck in the future And really, we're here to strengthen your back - you don't need to look behind yourself. We won't go away; keep looking forward ^w^ :D


Hey Leto, sorry to hear you are having troubles buddy. I just wanted to say that for me personally (and I would hope many others feel this way too) I don't support you on Patreon expecting a certain Minium level of content. I support you on Patreon because you have already earned it, and I wish to do whatever I can to help you continue to do what you love.

Anonymous (edited)

Comment edits

2021-08-12 07:01:45 Can't say i can relate to the experience, but i sincerely wish you the best of luck in figuring out of these feelings <3 From the looks of it, you have a ton of passionate supporters/friends to help you through it ;)
2018-06-23 00:37:17 Can't say i can relate to the experience, but i sincerely wish you the best of luck in figuring out of these feelings <3 From the looks of it, you have a ton of passionate supporters/friends to help you through it ;)

Can't say i can relate to the experience, but i sincerely wish you the best of luck in figuring out of these feelings <3 From the looks of it, you have a ton of passionate supporters/friends to help you through it ;)