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After waiting since 2016 for the Pay Upfront option, I've finally been given it! Thank you Patron!

This means, I will be changing to Pay Upfront later tonight.

People who are a Patron already wont be affected, but new People will be charged immediately when pledging, then next time they are charged will be at the beginning of each month.

This will hopefully reduce the amount of frauds people are doing (With pledging to view content then deleting their pledge before they're charged)

I hope you guys will accept this change, if you have any questions, leave a comment below or PM me!

Thank you,




it’s a great idea!

Killer Space

It's a good idea, because there's too much art reposting a d you don't get the payments you deserve.


Happy that you finally got this ^_^ Your adoring fans shall continue to support you =D


Im glad they finally gave you that option it should really fix all the problems you had with with people taking advantage of the system and screwing you over.


Thats really fantastic news , Glad Patreon did this to help out with creators.


makes sense to me


I love you all, thank you for being there for me and stay awesome! <3 Without you I wouldn't have been able to draw alot or create high quality contents, so you all deserve as much as me. 💙

Diesel Weasel

Glad you finally got this. It should be a global option for everyone, in my opinion. Kind of ridiculous it's taking this long to roll out to people.


Happy to hear this Leto! It's been a long time coming. I hope this leads to more income stability and peace of mind for you. You deserve it!


I’m so glad you finally got up front it should be available to everyone


Woo! It's about time they gave it to you! I'm glad it finally happened.