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I am finally done with this, I spent too much time on it so wanted to post it asap, I really need to work on my awful speed when it comes to painting stuff.

I know there's alot of errors but those are ones I wont pick on anymore, just gotta stop, and learn from it instead of constantly fighting with them.

Anyways I hope you guys like this one!




Beautiful! Nice work Leto! Few things I will critique: Firstly, Nice work with the Color-concept and definition. However, this is a good time to start incorporating better Value-shading components especially when dealing with Paint, acrylic, or Paint concepts. Other than that, I love it! Kinda Hot too. ^w^


Thanks! And yeah I used value shading here but I need to get better at it. It's why I am doing these paint study to study value. ^^


Good! That's a great way to do it! Will be looking forward to more content and results! Hope all is well, don't be afraid to ever PM me for tips! I specialize in Value-concept, Shading, and Composition-Propensity.

Arsene Vulpin

Given enough practice, you'll achieve mastery, but not perfection. Perfection is boring because it stagnates. Regardless, I give you a 120% A++.


mrr, grab behind the knot. really nice. :)


It's great Leto ^^


This is amazing


This is so hot 😍


Caught the stream a few times while you were working on this. Seeing the process and stages of your work gives me so much respect for what you do and the effort you put into it. That effort pays off in works like this and for the future.


this is soooo good!Need more wildehopps!