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Sadly the router died last night so I wont have any internet till I buy a new one, which I hopefully will, this monday.

I'm currently using my phone data to let you guys know and I have no idea how much data I have on my phone as I don't have a data plan each month, I buy cards in store you call and enter the code to receive data, so I am sorry for the lack of updates the upcoming days.



Sometimes things happen that cannot be controlled. You don't have to apologize. Hope to see you soon! <3


Awe! Hopefully hear from ye soon


What internet service do you have? If its cable and your router died you should be able to connect one PC to the single net connection from the modem that the router multiplies for you. Of course I dont know your setup, it could be on another floor and your failed router might be a gateway with modem and router together.


good luck!


Sorry to hear bud. Don't stress, we'll be here when you get back. :)


I got a norwegian ISP, I had a router and a modem, got a new router now ^^ And I did have the option to plug my laptop into the modem, but that means I'd have to sit in the living room right next to the modem cus of a short cord, and I don't really want to sit in the living room next to my mom drawing lewds xD I prefer to sit in my bedroom in privacy.


Just in time for my birthday, lol. Welcome back