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It has come to my attention that my WIPs (Work in Progress) art is being shared publicly across Telegram groups and other sites.

I can not ask them to remove the art or stop doing it because things like that is not being being rule forced by patreon themselves, but it kinda sucks that after 3 years of being a patreon, I still haven't gotten the pay up-front option, so people are pledging me just to download my art and delete their pledge right after so they can share my art everywhere else, which I don't mind with completed artwork, but with WIPs, it's another story, WIPs to me is like gifts to you from me, early gifts even, for people who support me on here, and the fact that some one shares my WIPs publicly demotivates me to upload any more WIPs on here because I wont feel as motivated to finish them because "people has already seen it", I know I shouldn't let that affect me, but this is very sensible to me because I feel like I am doing something special to you guys by sharing WIPs for you.

And I am sorry...

I'm not sure if you guys would leave if I stopped posting WIPs or if you guys would still stay, my goal is to create high quality and original content, and WIPs aren't actually high quality to me as it's still a start of something big for me, something big I'd be proud to show everyone.

I just don't know what to do... 

Ignore this and keep posting WIPs which will suck the joy out of me as people will post it public, or quit posting WIPs and show you guys the finished products only.

Or even post censored WIPs, which I think no one would like.

I just wish some people would at least show some common sense that "Patreon content - Do not repost" means "Do not repost this anywhere"

Thank you, and I'm sorry.


~Leto, a confused person.



people need to start showing more damn respect to be fair i really dont know what you should do either, its a really messy unfair thing. even if you have to stop posting wip work i will still be here for you.


Like Raifox says, people need to show more respect, I don’t know why people can’t enjoy things instead of have to post it everywhere. I will still be here even if you don’t post WIP, which I don’t think you should, just post finished art. But maybe that is just me


Im sorry to hear that. Some ppl dont know what respect is =( For me i wont stop supporting you if you post less or even no WIPs anymore tho i would be sad if a few bricks destroy your mood to do so...hope you wont let other ppl demotivate you =)


Damned thieves...


[This'll be a longer comment, I'm sorry but about serious topics I really want to write everything I got to say, I hope no one of you guys here mind] Hey, Leto first of all... yeah, this is a problem of many many artists.. especially with that one particular site there which offers patreon-only things from like almost every artist I know out there. I didn't know you need to have something certain for the pay up-front option. I guess it is so people don't abuse? Hmm... I don't know much about that one. Even if you've the pay-up-front option, I'm not sure if this would change too much (just a thought!) because - what is very kind of you - there's not much money needed to get access to your things. No, I definitely don't want to say you need to put up the Donations required (because I'm sure many people want to support as good as they can but can't afford gifting +10$) I just think that you - or if you don't mind - we, as community, should focus on the 2nd option. ( I want to say that even if there's pay-up-front, people may still do it and it'll still suck the joy out of you) You're a human being and it's totally understandable if this is a very seinsitive topic for you, everybody got his own ones right? We're all getting affected by a lot of stuff without wanting it for sure. Also, we appreciate this special gift you make for us. Hmm.. I anyway think that it's a strange behaviour to not support you anymore if there's no WIP. After all, I think it's about general support - because we like you, your attitude, the way you are and ofcourse the way you draw! Imo, somebody leaving because of this (especially since this is very important to you) shows me that those people wouldn't truly support you. Ofcourse they don't have to either, but maybe you see my point. No offense intended here. Now, I'd like to try showing you why I think there's no neccessary reason for losing your joy when people see your WIPs. (As said, very understandable why you have this kind of attitude and that you're sensible about this topic. So I really hope I don't attack you in any way. I want to make this very clear since I try to support you as the others here and since you don't know me (and there's like no way to show in a written text that I'd say it with a serious voice) I dont want that there's any risk of getting wrong what I'm saying. Now, about the WIP's : I think that WIPs are best when they are raw sketches. Some bit of colour "smashed" into it on some places and that's it. Why? Well, by doing that you show your thoughts as you say on your own. I can see emotion, I can see what's going on in your head. I see yo ustarted with an idea and continued it, tried to go on with it and see what you can do - maybe adding stuff afterwards because the idea expanded, right? Now let's say you write an Essay. To get a good essay done, as for a drawing, you must have a base you work with. Something to orientate on. Those are the keynotes for an Essay while it's for Art the Sketch. What I try to show is that even if I see your Notes for your Essay or the Sketch/WIP for your Art, I haven't even seen what's truly behind. And I'm a believer that Art is not easy to read and that there's way more about it than people may think. More than I think by myself sometimes. When I see your WIP, I want to know more. How will the artist continue?! Which Colours? Which kind of mood will be represented? I see the idea, I see somewhat what's the focus. But I don't see how you will show it, I don't see yet what kinds of options you'll use (light, forms, perspective) in which way to create a certain effect. I hope you can somewhat follow my thought and that I'm not confusing you even more. If not, and if you'd like, I won't mind trying to say this all again in a shorter and more clear version. I just want to try showing you what's imo the difference between your WIPs and your final art. It's wonderful to follow an artist on his journey through his thought-processing in the sketch and the eventual result in a final drawing, which is then reached when an artist says he's proud and satisfied with his drawing x3 Maybe this'll help your mind to strengthen yourself against the problem about WIPs. Your thought is not a bad one, but I don't know how much you've yet thought about "the other side", when people don't care too much about their WIPs posted. After all, you still do us a great thing with those WIPs. If I couldn't give you a different view on this topic and you're still holding to your opinion (which again is ofcourse totally fine) , as the others said, we'll stay and still support you and ofcourse respect that you may not upload any WIPs anymore. But there are many alternatives, no? I'd love having some kind of talking-round /discussion with you and others about drawing ideas. Like when you asked about what we want next or when you want ideas. I love reading through the comments and see with which ideas other people come up! And by that, you still give us something big - you let us be part of your art. Therefore, we try to support your art as much heart as we can. I hope you could understand a part of the things I said, same counts for everybody else reading this long text. Very appreciated; respect to you. ~Niko /edit something else I thought about what I don't know if this was already being done here(since I'm, new, sooorray if I say something that was discussed already :D) There's this Community-Tab here where people can post stuff, right? What if they post there (or if they want as message if they dont want to show) their art and you say what you think about it? Yknow those kind of interactive-things which are for sure very, very appreciated (but maybe too time consuming? )


Woah that is a lot to read x.x Is there any way to compress it so it'll be easier for me to understand? English isn't my first language and I have really bad memory as I tend to forget first sentence after starting to read second sentence.. I apologize in advance as I know you put alot of time into writing all that.

Rex Wolf

I will still support you, even if the WIPs don’t get posted. Have you considered moving the WIPs to a higher pledge tier?


It wont work as people are still able to pledge - download and delete their pledge without spending a dime because Patreon still haven't given me the pay upfront option. Basically people can view my patreon stuff for free as long as I don't have pay upfront option enabled :/


I'll stick by you no mater which choice you make with the wips


Just want you to know that I will continue to support you no matter what you decide.


My pledge is yours as long as i can afford it regardless of your choice. I love your style and sense of humor in your artwork. It has real personality. I do have a suggestion you might consider. What about slapping a huge watermark across the WIP images that stretch diagonally across it? It may block some of the image but it still gives us an exciting preview into what we might see later.


Thank you all for your feedbacks, this has now been solved with the telegram group ^^ I'm really happy now!


I'll support you whatever happens Leto

Sangie Nativus

You don't need to keep posting WIPs. I just care about high resolutions. As for pay up front, you have to directly ask Patreon for them to enable it for you.


I tried back in 2017, they said the option is given out randomly because it's "still in beta" and it says on their help center that they don't give it out to people who ask for it.


I'll keep my subscription regardless of whether people post it publicly because you deserve it!


I'm around for the long haul! The censored/watermarked WIPs seems like the best option to be honest. But reguardless I'll be backing your work! Sorry that some people feel that it's ok to take advantage of others this way. Don't let it get ya down buddy.


Well, that sucks, but I guess it is just a tiny amount of people who see those. I am visiting quite a few furry sites etc. and have not (yet) come across a WIP post from you. Seeing the WIPs here first is not the reason for me to be here anyway. I like those, but if you see the need to stop posting them, it would be fine for me as well.

Strawberry Puptart

I'm not going to change my pledge, no matter what you do. I do see a lot of artists who watermark everything, and then email out rewards after payments process.


Yeah I haven't seen any anywhere either but I sure like seeing them here. Can people just post other's work? You are given credit yes? Well then consider it free advertising until you get your pay up front option which really seems to be taking a while. You said that feature is granted randomly? So odd.


yeah I know it's free advertising, I feel better if finished artwork is shared instead of WIP but I can't stop that so whatever floats peoples boat I guess, I'll post a new WIP in a few hours~


It's too bad that we can't detect or stop who doing this but at least if it happen again I think you could put your patreon link watermark to advertise your art along with it ^^ *hugs you tightly ❤* keep going Leto don't stop because of kind of this shi* people


Yeah, I'd be okay if they just filtered out what not to share in public, but some people aren't as experienced to write a code in the program or site which shares others private creations, so they lazily share everything available on an open patreon platform. Not sure if I can compare them to humans, I know the human specie is more intelligent than they are but whatever floats their boat I guess.