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Here's a... oral ish version?

I'll add more spills on Leto face and in his muzzle when I finish this with the others <3

I might do a 69 of Nick and Leto unless I come up with something simpler but just as sexy~

What ya guys think? Do you guys like these Nick & Leto Specials? Want me to continue making them?




Murrrr, always a great treate


Holy crap this is hot


Pls keep do it more because I'm horny right now @\\\@;


this is awsome and yes keep these coming hehe


Your art is the definition of adorasexy



Skiffer Blackpaw

Well I for one absolutely love anything you do with Nick and or Leto &lt;3


I like it for sure ❤️😍❤️


Definitely enjoying those Nick &amp; Leto Specials... :D Really got a crush on both of 'em (and I can't really explain why, it's just there, guess the overall look is just great!) What I like the most about this one is the kind of lighting/mood and how he grabs _him_ with his paws...x3 Do you think you'll be in some time again in the mood for GIFs like the one with Arin? I can only guess how time consuming and difficult they are to make - but that GIF is really killing me... it's so great :D Don't know if you enjoy that, but such an animation with Leto humping Nick's mouth... I'd say that'd be quite sexy and if you nail the expresions again so well like you do right now so often, it'd definitely be very sexy :P


Ooof yes the Arin dance animation was really time consuming even tho I cheated in some frames with copy-paste, such as the head, I still have to learn to animate properly in a traditional way but digital, I barely started learning animation so I'm not really ready to take on animation requests or animation! but will get there someday, Arin animation is 20 frames at 26fps, it took days to finish just that simple loop and ALOT of studying xD


Heh, I totally believe you on that one :P Nevertheless, I don't know how much you're satisfied with it but I can tell you that you made one lil' coon out there very, very happy with it :P (just in case it confuses; my pic is just a random sketch long ago and not my fursona :P) I admire that kind of patience to keep going on this for such a long amount of time (+ALOT of studying :P)


I can say I'm about 60% satisfied with Arin dance animation, and that is a really high score for my own expectations xD There are some stuff I'd fix tho but that'll happen in future animations. We learn by studying our own failures and trying to undestand where we went wrong so we can improve that! Also you got an FA or somewhere you store your art? I'm curious to see!


Heh, I know that "own expectations" Problem... :D Well, atleast for me it is some kind of a problem :P Wow, if 60% of your satisfaction with your animation makes me go crazy already.... 100% gonna kill me for sure :P May I ask what's mostly annoying you about it and what you would definitely change in future animations? (Besides the copy &amp; paste ofcourse... that's for sure always tempting I guess :P) I agree about studying own failures. Sadly, I'm a strange mix of an analyst and a "just doin' it" person, depending on what I'm doing.. I'd have to write (as Panda Paco loves to say if you know him) a holy bible text to explain that :P Aaanyway I wanna say that it still needs quite a lot of patience and self-confidence to do such things. It's very lovely to see that here; wish I'd have noticed you earlier... ironically, using your stickerpack quite a lot since a while already (gawd I love a few of those a lot :P they fit so well in many situations)... and I didn't even notice you're around here; ouch :P I truly wish I could present you some art of mine, but there's not really something to it :P Heck, don't even have my fursona done...nor even want to, that'd mean I have to do something hehe... xP All I can offer is something that I did in the beginning of last year <a href="http://prntscr.com/iyq89d" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://prntscr.com/iyq89d</a> for Panda Paco -&gt; Based on an old sketch of him that I enjoyed... back then I got my first laptop to draw on and experimented :P Sadly, it's not representing any current skill of me right now :v My own fault tho :P I give up too fast and need to work on that. I get as fast motivated as demotivated for something, therefore difficult to finish something at all and actually improve. I enjoy the analytic part a lot tho; seeing how others draw something.. the way they make it dynamic etc. (therefore I love watching tutorials to see how other ppl try to show their experiences with certain things) ...not to mention landscapes... hrrrr *w* I gueeeess I'm writing a bit too much again.. oupsie xP Anyway, thank you for taking all that time to read and answer :P (If you answer on this and are like me, waiting for somebody to respond when having some kind of dialogue; a certain coon needs to get some sleep :P have a great day tho :D won't be the last time you heard from me, tehehehe)


Yes. Please make more