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I just got back from doctor, and i have harsh infection, throat infection, ear infection eye infection so i have to take antibiotics and eyedrops, i hope ill get better asap because im just too fucked up to draw or stream any in my current situation, doctor said i might have popped my ear drum which explains the unbearable pain i had 2 days ago and last night..

im sorry, all i can do is hope this doesnt last all january on my month off from commission because i want to be able to enjoy myself and recharge my batteries before i open for new commissions...




I hope you feel better soon, please take your time and don't strain yourself for us, I'm sure we all can wait

Johnny Grimm

-tucks leto in bed- dude you take it slow and relax ok you need to rest take as much time as you need to recover as we will all be here when you get back all healthy and feeling better


This is going around, I went to a New Years party that could have been a Halloween party where everyone showed up as zombies, multiple people feverish and comparing numbers! I got out of there and went to visit some other friends that, like me, live in a cave and don't get out much. Medicate and rest.


Oh no! Sorry to hear it, I hope you recover quickly in order to enjoy your month off!!!




Yo holy shit that's insane. That is way too much to ask anyone to deal with all at once.


Wait, I obviously did not read that post thoroughly enough, that's not whats going around. How do you get infections like that? Did it start as an untreated ear infection?


I have no idea, I suddenly started getting cold then went into a freezing fit, like my body shaking uncontrollable then I went to bed and woke up worse, 2 days later I was even worse and this all started evoling into what I've been through, luckily my eyes aren't as red anymore and not hurting so they're getting better, and my ears aren't hurting, but my throat still hurts when I yawn, swallow, eat and drink, so I'm drugged on pain relieves most of the time, I knew I was gonna get sick at the start of the year but I never knew it was gonna hit this hard... I usually get sick at this time of year but it's mostly headache, nausea and cold or a flu, but I never dealt with infection before.


Wow, well we are rooting for you. I merely read infection and thought Flu like so many of my friends this year, yours is truly a different animal. If you find out how this kind of thing happens please share so we can all avoid it.


Yeah, I'll be going back to doctor on monday for a check up and I will ask what kind of infection this is since I forgot to do so last time I was at doctor almost a week ago Last time I were at the doctor, she said if I waited a little longer with going to doctor, I'd have to be sent to hospital so I am so glad I went to doctor when I felt I really needed to, I just hope antibiotica has stopped and reduced my infection, which I will get to know on monday, I just want to make sure I have gotten better since last time or worse, I'm just scared my body getting used to having it and it evoles further which could be fatal.