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I have no idea what title to put but I just wanted to say I hope you all have a beautiful holiday, a happy time and merry christmas to everyone!

Sorry for the lack of art lately, I just got 1 more commission left and then my queue is completely clean!

I got 3 more headshots quickies to do and then I got no more commissions to do which means I will be taking a full month break from commissions to recharge my batteries and to plan my new work days and update commission prices and work further on personal projects

I can say I am working on a small lewd otter animation, so take that information as my christmas gift to you <3 I am sorry I can't offer more or like a ych etc, but I will be opening for commissions from February of 2018 and commissions should be rolling out smoothly from then on!

I will be accepting 2 commissions per week at first to start slow, if it goes as planned, I will increase to 3 commissions a week, so that's gonna be interesting!

I hope you guys have a wonderful time and I can't thank you for all your support you guys have given me throughout 2017, we're soon in 2018!

It's amazing how quick this year has gone, and I have learned so much about drawing and I will learn even more in 2018! It's going too fast for me but I will keep it up! Learning is what makes it fun!

Anyways you guys probably want to spend more time with your family or loved ones rather than reading more of my babbling so I will let you guys go for now and I hope to see you guys when I post new art, hopefully in a few days! <3

Merry Christmas to ya'll eurpeans, and Merry Christmas to everyone who celebrates it in 1 day from now <3



Merry Christmas!


How could you read my mind!? I'm about to ask you for making some lewd otter animation XD, Merry Christmas and have a wonderful time to you too Leto, this is my best Christmas present from you :3 *hugs tight!* Thank you so much!


I hope you have a great Christmas too! You've earned yourself a break for a while! Can't wait to see what 2018 brings.