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After hours (literally) of organizing and problem solving etc, I finally created a Dropbox where you guys can get all my art organized and in one place so you guys don't have to scroll so far down on my patreon! I know that can be hectic and time consuming because of the loading time.

If you guys have any requests, if you guys have seen art I made that isn't in this dropbox folder, let me know!

I've collected high resolution art as far back as to 2015 till 2017 Nov! So you guys might see art I haven't posted here, take that as a bonus!

Remember to read the ToS in my folder, it got some information you should be aware of.


I hope you guys enjoy <3



Thank you so much! &gt;w&lt; &lt;3



Johnny Grimm

If I may make a suggestion you should make more art with nira