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I wish you all a happy spooky halloween!

And yes I am not dead, or am I? Naahah, I am doing okay, I want to thank new people for deciding to support me on patreon, it means ALOT, and I hope you will continue to support me, now I can't upload anything because of my laptop issues, but I will hopefully be able to order a new laptop after the end of this month/beginning of next month then it'll take another 1-2 weeks ish before I get the new laptop, now this is no ordinary laptop like my current one that is dying.

This laptop will be able to handle alot more tasks such as:

Higher resolution artwork, higher quality streams, record streams, bigger, smoother animations, 3D sculpturing in the near future, video editing, time saver due to faster loading/buffer so I don't spend hours everyday for some page or music to buffer as I work because that does take alot of time, so this huge upgrade should give you guys even better content when I get things set up! I am super excited! I haven't drawn for 2 weeks and it's been killing me, I think about art everyday, I even wanted to make halloween themed gifs this year but that went down the grave sadly.

Anyways I hope you guys can also take the time spreading my patreon to your friends who like contents what I make, the more support/income, the more time I can afford spending on animations, personal arts, comics etc when my queue is stabilized!

Also despite that I can't draw and do commissions to earn money for food really puts me down weight which I need, I've been complaining about my weight and now I get the time to lose some because I have to eat as little as possible to save as much as I can, commissions and patreon is my only income, patreon for bill and commissions for food, so your support really means everything to me <3

Anyways, stay awesome everyone and I hope you all have a good day!
