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The day came sooner than I expected.

My laptop is officially broken, it keeps freezing and is stuck frozen till I force restart it, I tried to transfer all my artwork and wips and commission progress over to my USB but my laptop just froze halfway in, I don't think I'm going anywhere if my laptop keeps doing this.
I tried to run a virus scan but it also froze so I had to force shut down, idk what to do, I can't stream, I definitely can't draw, I can't do anything, I'm stressing out because I got commissions to do!
Commissions and patreon is my only source of income, and patreon income goes directly into my student loan so I have nothing else left, I do have enough money for food for a week, but after then I don't know..
I can't afford to get my laptop fixed and I can't afford to buy a new one, I can't afford anything apart from food, I feel like I have failed everyone and my commissioners..

I'm sorry everyone..

I think this is it..

EDIT 1.2

Somehow scanning my hardrive worked, or i think it does, my laptop is cooperating a little bit better now, so hopefully itll last till i manage to finish my queue so i can finally start saving up for a new laptop.
thank you all for your offers, i really do appreciate all the help you want to give, honestly i cant afford you guys, you guys are too awesome and too expensive for poor me xD

EDIT 1.3

I got help troubleshooting and it appears my drive is dying

EDIT 1.4

So I tried to run hard drive scan but it appears to be stuck at 12%, but that's not the worst part, the worst part is my laptop overheats till it shuts down at 12% which is awful because when I start it up again, it automatically restarts the hard drive scan so my laptop is literally stuck in a loop, there's nothing I can do, and no I can't get into safe mode because it immediately goes into deep drive scan.

I have no idea what to do anymore...

EDIT 1.5

I've ran a complete reset on my laptop and taken two whole days updating it, from the day it was bought till recent updates, but it seems to have issues updating from Windows 8 to Windows 8.1 because it failed and went back to windows 8.
so I'll try again to update to 8.1 and see if it works, if not, I'll try look into it and hopefully get help.
And no, no need to tell me to immediately update to windows 10, I will explain in later edits.

i do thank you all so far for your suggestions and for your offers and help, you gus are amazing! <3

EDIT 1.6

So after resetting my laptop, days of installing over 100+ updates, trying to update my laptop from Windows 8 to Windows 8.1, twice which was unsuccessfull, a whole night of waiting for my laptop to "Installing your previous versions of Windows." which resulted in my screen going black after logging into my laptop but my cursor still showing and working, I refreshed my laptop once again, so I wont even try to struggle to update to 8.1 anymore.

Now the reasons why I've turned down the suggestions of getting my laptop repaired, is because I do in fact need a new laptop, why repair this old one to keep struggling with broken keyboard, some keys not working, bad performance on my laptop, can't do big heavy things as better laptops can do, I used to draw my art in 3,000x3,000 pixels, but it was too big for my laptop to handle, saving took often minutes, with sai unexpectedly closing repeatedly, so I had to go down to 2,000x2,000 pixels, I can't record my streams at all, my wifi wireless card is worn out, I can't play my favorite game in high quality on my offs from drawing so I haven't gotten to play comfortable.

The main reason why I need a new laptop is because I want to give you guys more.
1. Higher quality/resolution art
2. Smoother, longer animations (which my old laptop can't handle because of so many big frames)
3. Record my streams so people who missed my streams can watch it.
4. Edit videos again
5. Higher quality streams
6. Be able to study 3D sculpturing in the future for 3D animation experiments.

I am tired of fighting with my laptop, so instead of getting it repaired, I'll use the money to add to the donation an anonymous person did, so I will be able to order a new laptop next week, then I'll set up everything and get ready, hopefully everything goes as planned, now shipping might take up to several weeks so I wont have any money to buy food, but I think I'll live till I get the new laptop, it'll be worth it!

I will then do commissions and save up money to repair my old laptop to use as a reserve laptop instead, it is bought in 2013, it's not too old, but also not too new, so it's time to move on to something better so I can give you guys better, that's my primary goal.

I have said this before and I feel like I keep repeating it so it doesn't sound as appreciating anymore, but I can't thank you guys enough for the support! You guys deserve better from me, and I will fight to give better!
You guys are so amazing, I am so glad I have you guys <3 <3 <3

I have a surprise for you all once everything is settled, so keep an eye out!

I will continue to update this post with each progress, so check back in everyday!



The future is sounding great! &lt;3


Keep it up Leto! we are rooting for ya!