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The day I never thought would come, came sooner than I expected.

My laptop is officially broken, it keeps freezing and is stuck frozen till I force restart it, I tried to transfer all my artwork and wips and commission progress over to my USB but my laptop just froze halfway in, I don't think I'm going anywhere if my laptop keeps doing this.

I tried to run a virus scan but it also froze so I had to force shut down, idk what to do, I can't stream, I definitely can't draw, I can't do anything, I'm stressing out because I got commissions to do!

Commissions and patreon is my only source of income, and patreon income goes directly into my student loan so I have nothing else left, I do have enough money for food for a week, but after then I don't know..

I can't afford to get my laptop fixed and I can't afford to buy a new one, I can't afford anything apart from food, I feel like I have failed everyone and my commissioners..

I'm sorry everyone..

I think this is it..



A lot of commissioners and your watchers would be more than happy to help donate toward a new laptop. Myself included, please let us have a chance at being able to help you get the funds up.


I don't even know how much I would want to ask for, I don't want to ask for too much but then again I really do want a gaming laptop I can rely on for the next 5 years


There are two kind of people, who makes backups of their data and who doesn't yet :) I won't cancel my pledge till you can fix this problem (I hope, one year will enough for you :) ), and make $10 overdonation for next month.


Man, if I was nearby I'd come over and fix it. But ocean, unless you happen to be in the UK >.>


In fact, got telegram or some form of Comms that's not on your laptop?


What would it take to get the laptop repaired or replaced?


Idk but here, repairs would take many weeks to months so I wouldn't count on that

Rex Wolf

I'm over in Canada, so there's not much I can do from here... but my husband lives in Finland, which is closer (though still not especially close, I realize). He might be able to help you retrieve data, in a pinch...


Please post a link for donations. I'd love to help you out.

Strawberry Puptart

IT/sys admin/programmer here, first off shut your laptop off. There are two common failures that can explain what you are experiencing. Overheating, or a hard drive failure, both can be made worse leaving it powered on. To check for overheating, make sure your vents are clear of dust, blow them out with canned air, or a compressor if you have one. To diagnose a hard drive failure, you need a live rescue disk <a href="http://www.system-rescue-cd.org" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://www.system-rescue-cd.org</a> If you want to chat, I can walk you through the procedures. I'd also be happy to donate money or equipment.


My laptop is cold when it happens so it's definitely not overheating, laptop starts up as normal but when I for example right click on png image or open chrome or task manager, my entire laptop just freeze for up to half an hour


Update* Apparently my drive is dying :( so no more drawing and streaming until it gets fixed, no idea when or how T.T


Make sure to back it up if you can, while you still can. But if it is only a hard drive issue, it shouldn't be a difficult fix. You'd just have to buy a laptop hard drive, swap it out, then transfer everything including the OS from the old one.


Update #3 So I tried to run drive scan but it appears to be stuck at 12%, but that's not the worst part, the worst part is my laptop overheats till it shuts down at 12% which is awful because when I start it up again, it automatically restarts the hard drive scan so my laptop is literally stuck in a loop, there's nothing I can do, and no I can't get into safe mode because it immediately goes into deep drive scan. I have no idea what to do anymore...


Are you just using the "CHKDSK" command? If it is, then it often spends a few hours around 10-12%, but it's just working in the background.