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So I've noticed people have pledged and deleted their pledge to take advantage of the pay-to-see system, without actually using money, which is quite unfair for you guys, and me, so I am gonna change to "pay upfront" to avoid this happening, I don't think it will change anything other than people have to start paying upfront so you all are safe.

This is my solution to fix this, I am sorry for the inconvenience.




Stupid me, this option isn't available for any creators :/


This should be an option honestly. So many creators have this issue

Dan Vincent

What do you mean it isn't an option? I thought one could do this. Or do you mean as in that the pledge has to be accepted before they can look trough your stuff? As oppose to if they pledge, and reject now. They wouldn't be able to see anything as they had rejected their pledge before the payment could be done?


I basically don't have this option, Patreon says it's still in beta mode so they don't offer it to brand new users, but what caught my attention was, I believe I created my patreon account before Zaush, yet he got this option given to him before me, so what I think is, patreon don't actually care how long you've had your account, but as long as you earn enough money, they will give this option to you, but then again, a friend told me about someone who patreon gave this option to as well, and they had even less income than me here on patreon, so I am literally confused.


I just pledged but was not charged, it said I will charged at Oct 1. Check if you really made paying upfront.


I've checked, patreon haven't given me the option, cus they don't give this to brand new users. I am sorry I can't do anything about it other than wait for them to give me this option.