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This was a very quick guide I made to help a friend of mine, tho I could put more time into it, I might make a new better version later in the future, but I hope this helps a little bit!




2 true, if something looks off, it is mostly because something is, but some just can not figure out how to fix the offness


Welp! I am so sorry for letting your comment slip past my silly eyes! And yeah, what I learned, is, the thing that looks off isn't always the thing that IS off, things around it can confuse your eyes so you think it looks off, what I suggest is try different things, for example if the face of an anthro looks weird, try make longer or shorter muzzle, bigger or smaller nose, spread or close up the eyes and ears, try find the balance and you'll improve!


My ears still suck massively. Still early stages, but my mind is struggling with the 3D space that they occupy. Lines don't feel like they're going the correct way. They just end up flat ^^'


If you don't mind, send me a screenshot of it in private and I'll see what you can do!