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First of, thank you to new people who joined!
Second, happy pride month! 🏳️‍🌈

I'll get to the post now:

You guys may have noticed lack of activity for a while, and I gotta admit something, I haven't been in the best of minds, like at all.

I am suffering from depression, isolation and lack of motivation, but as of this weekend, I realized I won't get anywhere like this, so I sat down and created a list of tasks / chores to hopefully motivate myself and make it easier to complete things.

And so far it's going really well, YCH is almost complete, and I'm currently going through my commission queue and finishing it, goal is to be fully done this week.

Then I can put 100% focus on personal animations and comics and bring you guys even more contents, more frequently, because you guys deserve it.

I apologize for the absence, I am currently working hard on myself to get better.

I also got some changes I want to bring to my Patreon, with new profile picture, banner, new animated tier icons, and more.

I hope you guys are doing well, and I will become more active.

I just need to figure out what I can post on here, maybe tasteful nudity / tastefully censored contents to keep you guys interested?

I also accept ideas if you guys have any!

Thank you so much for sticking with me during these times.
There's only one of me and I can only do so much, but so far I felt like I haven't done enough to give back to my community, so I am working hard to do so.

Again, I really from the bottom of my heart appreciate your support, your dedication means a lot to me and I'll do my hardest to give back.




We will always be here Leto!!!❤️


YOU can do it. I myself have been isolated for 5 years and have depression. That's why I'm trying to change something. You can do that too! Get well soon