Fluttershy + Twilight Work in Progress (WIP) And some updates. (Patreon)
Work on Fluttershy + Twilight animation is actively going. And I finished a new puss rig for my ponies. Which will be part of my ultimatum pony rig later. It works quite well, so I decided to make this little animation, For tests and scientific purposes... Yes... All for science... that's what Twilight said.
Google Drive. HD
Fluttershy and Twilight Preview 2 1080px 60fps.mp4
Fluttershy and Twilight Preview 2 1080px 60fps.webm
Fluttershy and Twilight Preview 2 1080px 60fps.mp4
Fluttershy and Twilight Preview 2 1080px 60fps.webm
● Some updates..
Reboots for SubscribeStar.
SubscribeStar added a new withdrawal option, I tested it and it all works fine. So I'm resuming my SubscribeStar account, too. I'm 100% back.
Why do I need SubscribeStar account? You may ask.
Patreon is fine and all, but they have restriction rules for certain types of art, like human + pony action and other pony stuff. Which is not my main art concept, but also not on my black list. So, sometimes in the future I'll will do this kind of art, especially if someone orders a commission. But, obviously, I won't publish it there on Patreon. This content will be exclusive to SubscribeStar along with everything else.
So if you are interested to see HD for ALL of my content, then choose SubscribeStar. But, because of that, it will be a little more expensive to access for Tier 1. Still, all my stuff will be published on DB, so you won't miss anything, except HD access.
P.S Because I froze my SStar before, and now tech support has restored it. It has some weird glitches, and I can't yet make free posts visible to everyone, like "reports." I hope they fix that later. But at this moment, if you are already were subscribed to my SStar account before. Please unsubscribe and subscribe again to the new updated tier, so it doesn't create any glitches for you later on.
Thank you for support! Fun!