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Hello fans. I apologize for not posting anything this month.  Honestly, this has been a very difficult month for me. You know,  sometimes in life, multiple problems come all at once. It was one of  those months for me, when "shit happens" and there's nothing i can do  about it... Anyway, I'm not here to complain.

Since it just so  happened that I decided not to take any commissions this month, I  focused my free time on learning and learning and learning in animation and build my HARDEST projects that I wanted to do for a LONG TIME.
Using all my experience and knowledge of animation that I have gathered..
I started... to build... my own...360 degree rotation, capable of making any kind of animation SUPER! ULTIMATE! 2D vector pony rig-doll!
 "Why do I need this pony rig-doll?" You may ask.
Well, first of all, if I finally finish a version that "actually" work. With the help of it, making pony art will be as easy as baking pancakes.  And doing some other basic pony animations for any of my future pony  projects will be much easier. [This thing is actually necessary for  that] But, i'll tell you, making this rig is not easy, not easy at all. It's like making full 3D only in 2D. This is actually my version 7 that I'm trying to make. And finally, I got enough knowledge to make something that... actually works! This is [[BIG SHOT!!!]] for me.
Let's take a look at my progress for this month.

(Keep in mind that all animations are just tests to show you the capabilities of my rig. I didn't try too hard on them and made them all in 30 minutes today.)

 ●  Head turn from 100% profile to 100% en face.
You may have seen a similar twist in my other projects, but this new version, which is much more stable and polished.

Turning face backward is not ready yet. But when I  finish it, I'll have everything I need to turn head to all 360 degree,  since the turn in the other direction is the same animation only  mirrored with slight changes as the other side of the hair. It will be  easy... I hope.

●  The eyes animated and blinking.
Oh... eyes. THIS EYES! No kidding, I can tell you with 100% confidence, that the hardest part in animation is... The EYES!
It's  a thing I spent the most time on. If the eyes themselves are already a complex structure with a lot of masks and necessary animation options.  The biggest problem was combining the eye animation like "blink" with the eye change shape animation during the "head turn." All my attempts to do this have led to the fact that when these two animations overlap, it leads to glitchy mess. So I had to "think" + "try a new idea" + "animate and test" = "failed"
And repeat this process again and again and again, until I get not "failed result."
But I finally found a solution. Not only that, but it also left room to  allow me to change the eye shape for other characters, with a minimum  necessary corrections. It was a big "Uff" but it's done.

●  Body and hoof movements.
With my history of  training, I have done many different limb and body verifications, trying  to do something that won't turn itself into a glitchy mess when more than one animations overlap. Wonderful vector animation spaghetti problem, that you will never encounter making simple frame by frame animation. [Sometimes I regret my choice] Although, the biggest problem was making the character hooves "stand still" when any part of the body moved. But, using the magic power of [no personal life] and [cry and swear a lot] I finally found the solutions...

Any body turns are not ready yet, because I want to finish with head  turns first, before I get to that part. I'm sure I'm going to run into a  lot of new problemsit doing so, it will be fun.. ha-ha [Laughs and cries in despair]
Anyway, I hope you remember that my main goal at the moment is to get fully learn in animation, know all the tricks, ran into all the problems. And only then start doing a lot of NSFW... "with quality!" And finish my 360 degree rotation pony rig will be the finish line in my learning curve. Because, that's the hardest thing. I think it's 50% finished.

●  Working on sounds.
I made a decision that all  new animations that I make, definitely be with sound. So I started  collecting my sounds archive, collecting different *sigh* *moans*  and other phrases that may be useful in the future, from the original  mlp soundtracks. Although, in the beginning, I didn't know that I could  find episodes with 5.1 sound quality and using sound software, separate  the clean audio track with just characters dialogs, getting clean sounds  without any background music and noise. It would been nice to know  about it sooner,  have to do some work twice.
  Anyway, collecting  sounds is not an easy job either, and it takes up to 1-2 hours to  process one episode. At this point I've only processed 4 episodes, and  I've already got a pretty good mini-collection. I'm pretty satisfied  with that.
I hope it will be worth it.

Thank you all for support me. more people like you, and I'd quit my real job and do just that.
Have fun fan days!



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