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my old tablet is finally taking her last steps, it's still working, but it clearly shows I used it not only as drawing tablet but also as table placemat many times for lunch time, and dropped coffe other times too... It's still working, but very poorly, which is expected, I'm sorry old tablet!

anyway, here are some Fran and Tomi doodles, and since yall have been very good Patrons I'll drop some funny facts about them

-tomi got his scar as a kid, when a dog attacked him, reasons remain unknown, he may have been poking his ass with a stick

-his horns are just his hair, which means they are soft, but they'll always stick out like that

-fran had multiple hair colors, including purple and light blue

-she's really into cars and racing games, not a professional, but very into it!

and that's for today! hope you all have a great night !!



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