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hello hello, Teru here! I've been working really hard on these comms you see here, specially on the big piece, it took me all week haha. I can't believe it's already June, time flies so fast when you have something to do!




That's quite an impressive collage, you're really making good use of that time!


I wanna do more collages! they look super good and they end up being so useful, one piece for patreon, but many for twitter if I screenshot them!


Helloooo! I really love your art style and was wondering if it would be possible for you to do a NSFW boy x boy drawing in your free time, or would I need to commission that? I never seem to find any boy x boy hentai in a art style I like and I saw a drawing you made with a femboy looking girl and would really like to see boy x boy if you could! <3


hii, the only drawings i do apart from comms are my own characters, sorry !! i wouldn't mind getting comissioned for that tho !! uwu ♡