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It's Fall Semester at St Hilda's and (depending on your choices) Amanda either solved the Briar Ridge Mystery or was hypnotised and lost all memory of it.  One thing's for certain, the precious student needs to maintain her excellent GPA throughout this first 12th grade term if she's going to make it to Harvard College - and become the adventurer we all know.

No more mysteries for you Miss Jones!  Off to the library!

I hope you've appreciated this revisit of Young Amanda.  I do have a whole bunch of new outfits for her that I wanted to show but we will have to see if I have time for that.  I definitely think the uniform and the CYOA outfit are probably her best two but I found a lot of nice hoodies, t-shirts, shorts and sneakers etc for her.  So let me know if you'd like to see that otherwise I may move onto some different girls.  I am also planning a major pose pack release in the coming days (I have been working to prepare it all month) so stand by for that too.

NOTE - I am so glad I went back to this hairstyle for Young Amanda.  I was trying to use one of her old V4 ones from her Daz3 days but it was so low res and disappointing.  This one is crazy good but it just has over 200 morphs all called pretty much the same thing, and it can ber very hard to move the strands you want and get the style you want.  I feel that I have been getting much more out of it recently though, narrowing myself to using about 40-50 controls (gives me a chance at least of remembering what some of them do).



John King

She's certainly dressed to get "schooled"!


I love girls in uniforms, would love to see more school uniforms. Curious if you would do Harry Potter themed uniforms.