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No, not the TV channel.... an update about Rachel!

So... Rachel is back.  She left Torqual Studios around a year ago after her first two cat fights. You can read the interview here: 


Rachel did follow through on her threat to go and work for Demiter3d.  You can see what happened to her here:


Since then, she has been up to no good, and no doubt done unspeakable things, but she came back to the fold for the third catfight with Ciara.

I made some updates to Rachel's look and this was kind of a proof shot for a new outfit idea - she can't just run around in a cat fighting outfit, can she? OK don't answer that.

I have no idea what footwear to put with this outfit.  I am torn between pumps and outrageous boots.

Rachel will having her first encounter with New Amanda soon, due to a pending request from a Patron.

Please let me know any feedback or ideas you have around a new look for Rachel.



Mad Man with a Pen

Hey been getting caught up so missed some pics, but now fixed that. Awesome look for Rachel!


no shoes no fun