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Too slow! Amanda didn't get out of the way in time. Lafarge clamps the cloth over her face and grabs Amanda tightly around the chest so she can't escape. Amanda tries to pull him off, but as she struggles she can't help taking a lungful of the sickly vapors. She looks up with fearful, pleading eyes, trying to see her attacker.

"It's been a long time, Miss Jones," says a familiar voice...  Lafarge!

Then a wave of dizziness hits Amanda and the room starts to spin...




Well. No easy escape for Miss Jones. I took the time to re-read The Casket Caper, an excellent story well worth reading. I think we'll be finding this a bit more interesting than Amanda will, whether events follow the story or deviate.


Amazing that the story seems to have 11k views (very few comments). Glad you liked it. I don't write enough these days, not since the last CYOA anyway. I could write some more but it takes time away from art.


Honestly why does Amanda even try to fight? After so much experience being chloroformed, she should know that struggling is pointless.