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An away team of beautiful Starfleet officers assembles in the Transporter Room to beam down to a newly-discovered planet.

These are the voyages of the Starship Enterprise. Its five-year mission: to explore strange new worlds; to seek out new life and new civilizations; to boldly go where no man has gone before!

Now let it be said that Star Trek TOS (the Original Series) is the best Star Trek, not least because of the trio of Kirk, Spock and McCoy, but also because of the impossibly sexy female crewmembers and uniforms.  Nothing that came since has come close to matching the splendour of this style: combining striking primary colours, incredibly short skirts (with colour-matched panties), pantyhose and shiny boots.

It's over ten years since I first featured Star Trek TOS on my deviantART page, (see https://www.deviantart.com/torqual3d/art/Star-Trek-TOS-Girls-in-Peril-5-HD-314059439 and others) and it was pretty popular back then. This was after commissioning a couple of TOS-themed photo shoots from the iconic (and since rebranded) Chonastock - see https://www.deviantart.com/chirinstock/gallery/3586662/star-trek-series-1.

I have been meaning to revisit it in Daz 4 with all the new models and technology at my disposal.

Alas, the only Star Trek TOS uniforms I could find for download were pretty basic, so I decided that I would just have to damn well spend a couple of weeks making one. You will not see these uniforms anywhere else, as I have lovingly converted and textured a commercially available dress with bespoke maps right down to the nth degree of accuracy, after looking at dozens of reference photos.  I may, at some point, make these available to patrons only for their own use, after I have got plenty of use out of them myself, first!

C&K Cosplay (the spritual successors to Chonastock) were of course straight on the Star Trek bandwagon, however they looked a bit lonely so I decided to add in a couple of disposable Redshirts, straight out of the academy.  Please welcome Morgan (on loan from JDG at patreon.com/jdsg) and a long overdue reappearance of Young Amanda Jones.  I am sure that nothing bad will happen to these bright eyed junior officers on their very first mission.

Sorry not to post anything for a few weeks but I have very secretly been working on this and I just kept getting extra ideas.  The Transporter Room set is courtesy of PTrope at ShareCG, and I hope you also like the transporter effect as the team departs... "ENERGIZE!"

I hope you like the look and the girls, and I may indulge myself in some studio modelling shoots for one or two of them.  Let me know who's your favourite, and - most importantly - who you would like to see phasered first (on Stun of course!).
