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Dear Patrons, at times over the last couple of months, you may have wondered where I was and what I was up to.  Well, the fact of it is that I have mainly been working on these two.

It's difficult maintaining a cast of characters and models over 12 years, and for every Amanda, Ciara and Penelope, two or three have fallen by the wayside.  I know that people appreciate the unique style and character of those three I just named, which is what makes it possible to update the models while still keeping them recognisable.  But this strength is also a limitation in that I am not as able to place established characters into scenarios, outfits and locations that don't fit their backstories.

Part of the problem with Kath and Charlotte is that I couldn't decide whether I wanted to use them just for Fantasy themed stuff (which is a huge restriction) or indeed for Sci-Fi (and I have a specific idea) or to make them yet more contemporary characters in what is loosely called the 'Amanda-verse'.  Because I was wrestling with these decisions and backstories I have been unable to take either of them forward.  Both are really stunning models that I have poured hours into customising and perfecting.  Which is what made it ever harder to decide what to use them for!

This week the idea finally came to me that - and it was obvious from the start - why not just make them famous cosplayers, so then they can wear anything, and be anything, for example their own D&D characters 'Princess' Katherina and Aleena the Cleric.  The inspiration for this idea actually comes from Chonastock who I had the great pleasure to commission several times and eventually collaborate with in person.  Those two were pirates one minute, Starfleet officers the next, then Barbarella, then spies...  At the core however was two great and photogenic friends with a talent for making outfits and acting.

So please accept this as the official launch of Charlotte and Katherina (Chonastock for the modern age?).  C&K joined me for a photo shoot & audition today.  The background comes from one of their planned roles 'Sentries of Pricom'.  Those of you familiar with the series on deviantART (and who have been talking to me on Discord), know a little about what is coming next.  Both girls just turned up in what they had on... I know you guys are inveterate fans of pantyhose and that is sure to come.  But I didn't want to scare them off by demanding they dress as you-know-who in shorts, nylons and all that.

I DO have partially complete backstories for both girls, and will be drip feeding this in, however your suggestions are really welcome!  I hope that they are a suitable addition to the cast and that you won't mind them popping up at various points this year, in whatever guises inspire me at the time!

Hope you like the photo shoot and the portraits.  I have a little bit of travel to do over the next week but I really wanted to get these two out there before I left.  I am keen to see what you think so, if you have a thought, be kind and leave a comment!



Gordon Pym

I love the concept, I love the characters. Go C&K, go!!!

Tim Organo

Fantastic looking ladies. I really love Katherina's look. Love European ladies, too. Why do you think I go to Romania so often? Haha. Looking forward to seeing what these ladies get up to