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Here's a look at three criminally underused characters I made in what is now last year.  Co-incidentally their names all begin with S.

Supergirl was my first superheroine crush and it's fair to say that a certain gamebook had a huge influence on me in my younger days.  I'd always held back from making a Supergirl in 3D because of the challenges posed by her long hair and flowing cape.  It's now possible to use dForce in Daz 4 to tackle these problems.  This got me very excited and I made my Supergirl at last.  I'd say the reason that I didn't do more with her is that, once the inital buzz of using the dForce had passed, I had to face the fact that posing her hair and cape still takes several hours and multiple attempts to look good.  So, while it's now technically possible, I think I need to save her for when I have a much more powerful PC.

Sheila is a charming little carrot top from the 1980's Dungeons and Dragons cartoon.  This was on every day when I was a kid.  She's one of these characters that, once you get a little older, you might look back and see her in a slightly different way - a bit like folk have done with Daphne and Velma from Scooby Do.  Sheila had no powers of her own but she was spunky and had a cape that made her invisible (a bit like Sue Storm).  As an offshoot of the cape work I was doing with Supergirl, I thought I'd have a go at Sheila too.  The reason she didn't get properly launched and a set of renders is once again because posing the cape was just a half an hour process per render, which really takes the spontaneity out of making pictures.

Spider Gwen is the one of this trio who I think will make a reappearance this year.  This is probably because she doesn't have a cape.  She's a very popular character with cosplayers, and she has another animated film coming out this year.  I've been reading her graphic novels and have so far read about half of what exists.  The parallel timelines, universes and backstory are just crazy.  You could do pretty much anything with her.  The four shots I post here were testing out a choke pose that I made and didn't use for anything else.  Anyway, she must have escaped as she was looking fine in her green dress at last week's Christmas party.

Once again, sorry for the rough and un-postworked nature of these pictures, and for the boring plain backgrounds.  This is the nature of unfinished work.  They were pretty much all meant to be made into full stories with backgrounds and I lacked the discipline and work ethic to see it through :-)

Let me know what you think of this trio and, if you had to pick just one, you would like to see more of in 2023.




It's good to see more of all three girls, and I'm looking forward to their future adventures! I know that they might be a little more challenging to build a scene for, especially Sheila. But it would be fun to see her dealing with sorcery, dragons, and/or dungeons. Totally understand about the time and effort spent on dealing with capes, but when you do, it's so well done. I'd like more of all/any of the three, but I think I'm most curious about Sheila, with Gwen a close second. If the ease of setting up scenes means more Gwen, then I'll take Gwen.

Mena R.

Awesome images. Supergirl (Helen Slater version) was an early crush of mine. And I also loved Shiela in that DND cartoon. So really enjoyed seeing these.