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I'm posting live from the Torqual3D Christmas party where the cast of 2022 have assembled for a boozy festive gathering (I'm afraid it's just normal wine rather than Siesta - Vino Drogado, due to supply chain issues).

It's great to see all the girls together, some of whom are meeting for the first time: from left to right, Amanda, Jennifer, Penelope, Ciara and Gwen are going to play parlour games followed by Secret Santa.

You may quite rightly be wondering where the hell I have been all month and what you pay your $4 for.  The pathetic excuse is that I spent the first three weeks of December watching the World Cup solidly and getting smashed out of my face on a diet of beer, whisky and Pringles.  As soon as the thing was over, I started work on the Christmas render but quickly remembered why I do not commonly do pictures with lots of characters.  Due to my graphics card having only 8GB memory, I had to render this 11GB scene using the CPU which takes around 8-10x as long.  But after all these ladies had taken the time to dress up so nicely in pantyhose it seemed a shame not to see it through to the end.

I do have Daz Studio open right now as I am trying to render a set of lower resolution candid shots (there's lots of eye candy at THIS party) but because of the memory issue, shots that would normally take 5-10mins to pump out are taking hours.  And it's Christmas Day now.

I have some people I need to look after for the next few days and this is going to mean a further period without posting.  My current plan is to spend all of New Year's Eve bulk posting a ton of unfinished and unseen work from 2022 that will probably never get turned into a perfect shot but I am sure plenty of you will enjoy.  It's all I can do to make up for a pretty shoddy month in terms of output.  I do appreciate all of you who have supported me through 2022 I do apologise once again for the slow output over this period.  I guess Patreon creators need time off as well...

Anyway, enough of that.  Who's looking most worthy of a Christmas kiss?  Let me know who's catching your eye.




The posing and eye contact feels fantastic, natural, and very conversational. Splendid job!


They're all lovely. Ciara wins Best Sweater, I think. Amanda has that enchanting (and/or irritating, I suppose) effortless perfection in something she would wear any day.