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Let it be known that I like turtleneck sweaters.

Amanda's new outfit for this 'Fall' (as she calls it) has a TNS which was lovingly customised for her by yours truly, as well as a hi-waist skirt, glasses, and everything else to complete another signature look.

Good news for those who like CYOA's is that we're working on a new one where Amanda wears this outfit.  Plus a couple of others I will soon reveal!

I still have some Egypt stuff (goblins and Mummy) that I am working on finessing for upload.  I've been travelling like crazy the past couple of weeks so I will have to decide on where to draw the line with those scenes and whether to keep adding details/re-shooting or just post what I have and move onto the next thing.  It's crazy busy at the moment, so apologies if you don't hear from me for a week or two.



Mena R.

Looks very professional. And definitely looking forward to more adventures for her.

Tim Organo

Oh, that face.... WOW! True beauty.