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Have you been missing Ciara?

She's been on the beach.  For some reason she took her pumps to beach volleyball practice.  She will be back soon.  In the mean time I will be posting some updates from her graphic novel adventures.  More to follow.

Please note that these are not my work - though they may be based on my poses/character references - the art and craft is the product of a guest artist who wishes to remain anonymous.

If you would like to see more or his work, he also draws Dawn Meadows over on  https://www.patreon.com/perilsofdawn - which is well worth a sub in its own right.  You will find Amanda over there too, along with Emily Lockwood and a few others.




Few things sexier than the bikini and heels combination!


Probably doesn't aid balance and agility in competitve sports however. Even though she is pretty quick in them - years of practice etc.

Texas Anla'Shok

I always said Ciara would look great as a 40s doll. She makes a great pin-up as well.