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First jungle render with Jennifer.  Still trying out atmospheric effects and lights etc.  I have given Jennifer some gloves and interesting shorts with straps.  More to the point...

Why did Jennifer go to the jungle?

What does she hope to find?

Why was it so important to her?

Why did she travel there alone and so lightly prepared?

To find out, you'll have to play the CYOA.  And that means you'll have to fund me through writing it first :-)

Thanks to everyone who voted in the poll.  It was always my intention to have Jennifer encounter an Amazon tribe.  Making these characters will be an ambitious project but one I will hopefully enjoy and do to your satisfaction.

I really thought the snake would win.



Alex Diaz

Jennifer has heard stories of fellow detectives (Amanda Jones, Ciara Nightingale, Dawn Meadows, Emily Lockwood, and others) exploring the Amazon Jungles. But she never really got a well rounded story so she wanted to know what the fuss is all about. Too bad for her, her foot wear won't last long once she's "asleep" and is carried back out. 😉🥸

Mena R.

Probably is travelling light because she just watched a few TV shows on going into the jungle without a lot of prepardness. What does she want to find? Probably adventure. What do I hope she finds? Some traps and trouble along the way. ;)